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A co-worker made the most fabulous Irish soda bread ever. I asked for the recipe. She said it was her grandmother's recipe. Even though she was deceased, the co-worker said she could not share it. I'd rather that, then get a "tainted' recipe.

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I wouldn't share recipes that I have created as I am planning to make a book for DD, but I would share others and have.

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On 3/6/2015 Catbelly said:

I have a friend who years ago (before computers) gave her sister her "Hoagie Dip" recipe. Her sister then sold the recipe to a local deli for a few thousand dollars - they then sold the prepared dip in their store ! My aunt makes incredible cakes and won't give up her recipe - same thing for her baked beans. Although if I had that cake recipe I'd be HUGE. LOL

Wow, that doesn't seem right! It was nice of the friend to share the recipe with her sister but, IMO, it was really wrong for the sister to sell the recipe as though it were hers.

I see a lot of recipes posted here that people post as though they are theirs, yet they are copied from somebody else without giving credit. I think some folks don't understand, or even care about, the notion of 'intellectual property'.

That's one reason I'm careful what I share. I really don't post recipes here much anymore because one time, several years ago, somebody took the recipe and changed it into a dump cooking recipe. She said she didn't want to be bothered with this and that, so she just dumped some cream-of-something soup in there and raved at how good the recipe was. Uh, ok. Not sure to this day if she just did that to be mean or what but if somebody is going to bastardize somebody else's recipe maybe they should just keep that to themselves.

I'm happy to give tips, though! Smiley Happy

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Just to be clear, I do share all my recipes with my daughters. Ive taught them everything I know about cooking and baking. I want them to pass on the recipes to their kids too.

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I feel flattered when someone wants a recipe I made. It's a compliment. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes it does. I think it's silly when some people won't share their secret recipe. My SIL did this with her pumpkin cookies, they were delicious. I only asked once and she said it was a secret. She must have felt bad because about a month after that she e-mailed me the recipe.

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I wouldn't care if anyone changed any recipe I gave them - it's their choice and if they have made it more to their liking- good for them. I often make changes to recipes to suit my taste. I been given many recipes by restaurant chefs when I have raved about them. Some restaurants have copies of their famous recipes to give out.

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On 3/7/2015 luvpoos said:

I feel flattered when someone wants a recipe I made. It's a compliment. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes it does. I think it's silly when some people won't share their secret recipe. My SIL did this with her pumpkin cookies, they were delicious. I only asked once and she said it was a secret. She must have felt bad because about a month after that she e-mailed me the recipe.

It is a compliment. OP I have always shared my recipes. I cant imagine omiiting an ingedient. Im sorry but any good cook after making your doctored recipe would realize what you did.
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My Mother was horrible about sharing recipes, she was an awesome cook and didn't want anyone to make anything as good as her. I give anyone and everyone who wants them her recipes.

I know a couple people that lost family recipes because their Mother's were the same way.

The only way I wouldn't share is if I was making money off the recipe.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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On 3/6/2015 Tique said:

I am one of those people who always tries to change/add at least one thing to a recipe to make it mine. I'll admit in the past when someone had asked for a recipe, I have given them the original one - not my change or addition - but I stopped that a couple of years ago. As someone stated above, even when you give someone the exact recipe including amounts and even brand names, there's a strong possibility that it won't turn out exactly as yours.

Nightowlz, I'm very sorry to hear about what was done to you after losing your mother. Almost that exact thing happened to someone who I met immediately after we both loss our mothers. A part of me wants to feel badly for any woman who is that insecure but I can't.

LOL, I never intentionally change a recipe but often do. I note my changes in pencil off to the side. I always keep the original tho and credit who gave it to me. When someone asks for it I give the original and what I've done to change it.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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I've turned into one of those no measurements people, so I have a tough time passing out anything now days. I guess I'm just in a rut, I can do my family's favorites in my sleep. And I confess, the older I get the more shortcuts I take to get a meal on the table.