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Re: Temptations changing colors?!

I've bought many of sets and pieces of the Floral Lace in Cranberry. My large bakers are fading, and I have always used as instructed and even hand wash . I'm worried that this line may not be the quality that it once was. I've got too much to discard it, or for it to be in next years yard sale. Please don't start cutting corners on quality.I'm on disability and can't afford a whole new set to replace it.

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Re: Temptations changing colors?!

Temporary color changes due to temperature are absolutely normal for stoneware; I've seen this happen with several different brands. It's just a reaction in the coloring and the protective glaze, and it happens with extreme cold and extreme heat from time to time.

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Re: Temptations changing colors?!

This thread is from 2015.

“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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Re: Temptations changing colors?!

This thread has been closed for commenting old thread please start a new thread