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Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?


My two "favorites" were in the company of baby sitters.

My parents were out for the evening, and had the older sister of one of my brother's friends come over.  He was still there, but she was "in charge."  He decided to make popcorn in the popcorn maker, but since there were four of us he made two batches.  Apparently by making the second batch so close to the first, it was too hot and the electric popcorn popper caught the upper cabinet on fire.  We had to have the fire department come out and her parents came over until my parents got back.


On day one of our brand new microwave, my father was headed to work and he asked the sitter (different one) if she had eaten breakfast.  She replied that she had already eaten, so he left.  Moments after he departed, she asked me what we had to eat.  I told her about our frozen waffles (ones that we had made with the waffle maker and frozen).  There were no instructions since they were homemade, and she asked me how long to put them in for.  I said 10 minutes.  So she put them in for 10 minutes and then when she pulled them out they were black and smoking.  The microwave smelled like burnt waffles for years, LOL.  

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Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

@ECBG  Ten years ago, which by the way I can recall like it happened yesterday, I was canning spaghetti sauce and the handle came off my pot and the sauce was airborne flying everywhere, what a huge mess.  To this day I occasionally still find a dot of sauce on my kitchen walls.

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Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

The worst disaster in my kitchen didn't involve cooking, but it sure did involve food. Above the kitchen table was a ceiling fan with a schoolhouse globe light fixture.  Changing the light bulb involved unscrewing and removing that globe to get to the bulb.  


Well, one night when DH was out of town the kids and I sat down to eat.  I turned on the fan and suddenly the big glass globe came crashing down onto the table. It landed right on the dish holding the main course. Can't remember what it was, but I can remember that we were all splattered with it, along with the table, the walls and the floor. Oh, and of course there was the broken glass to pick up after I got the kids out of the way.  Evidently hubby didn't screw the glass globe on right after he changed the light bulb.  




"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

Newly married and living in distant city, called mom to get her banana cake recipe by phone.  As I piered in oven window I kept waiting for cake to rise. Never happened.  We had banana pancake.  Relaying results to mom,  she asked whether I had added baking powder.  No, not in recipe she have me.  She advised she thought I knew every cake needed that.  (Bless her ❤)

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

Years ago, I decided to make a fresh, organic turkey for Thanksgiving. I picked up the turkey just before Thanksgiving and prepared everything for the family feast. On Thanksgiving morning, I took out the turkey to cook. It stunk to high heaven...totally gross. I sent my husband to the one supermarket that I knew was open but they had no turkeys. I told my husband to buy a Purdue oven-stuffer chicken. I prepared it well and it was delicious, but it was a stressful and memorable day.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

I can't remember (probably blocked it out) my mistakes but my DIL had our family over for Thanksgiving dinner-I guess she was nervous. At dinnertime she found that she had forgotten to turn on the oven. hahaha Off to Kroger for my son, who found a couple of cooked chickens. She'll never live it down!

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Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

Works for me, @ECBG! Sounds like you saved the day with your cleverness. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

[ Edited ]

When I was a Special Services Recreation Director in Mainz, Germany we would frequently bake goodies so the soldiers got a bit of Americana.  I had never made a pie from scratch but one of my staff instructed me and several others in how to make a pumpkin pie.  It was beautiful, as were the other 19 lies we made.  We took them out to cool and I left for the day.  Came in following morning and nobody had cooled the pies.  They may have been alright but I wasn't  taking any chances of massive food poisoning so they all went into trash!  I haven't made another pie from scratch since!

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Registered: ‎02-09-2016

Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

@ECBG Smiley Frustrated

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Posts: 24,685
Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: THAT Kitchen Disaster That Stands Out In Your Mind?

@ECBG   A friend at work gave me a recipe for a casserole with pork & beans and hot dogs.  It was ready to go into the oven and I dropped it and beans and hot dogs were all over the floor.  It was horrible.  It's not easy cleaning up pork & beans in their sauce.  Was I mad?  Oh, yea.

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