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Posts: 573
Registered: ‎06-27-2017

I have the small Keurig and have been using it for the last 18 months. It makes one cup of coffee at a time and it doesn't come with a reservoir that holds a lot of of water (one cup only). It works great for me and I haven't had any issues. I would recommend it. 


I clean mine out with white vinegar out every month or two. 

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Posts: 3,144
Registered: ‎09-14-2010

I am done with Keurig.

I have bought three of them. All different models. 


I still have one that works right (half of the time anyhow).

It is currently in the garage, I think I will keep it for hot cocoa only -

for around the holidays and chilly dreary winter mornings or nights.


Went back to a drip coffee maker and using good ‘ol Folgers.


Think I wasted enough money on those Keurigs, yep.

-Texas Hill Country-
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: I need a new Keurig

[ Edited ]

@CAMOGIRL wrote:

I am done with Keurig.

I have bought three of them. All different models. 


I still have one that works right (half of the time anyhow).

It is currently in the garage, I think I will keep it for hot cocoa only -

for around the holidays and chilly dreary winter mornings or nights.


Went back to a drip coffee maker and using good ‘ol Folgers.


Think I wasted enough money on those Keurigs, yep.

I did the same.  I had two mini Keurigs prior and neither lasted a year.  A friend was moving and gave me her top of the line Keurig and after about a year the thing still worked but made so much noise I tossed it.  


A year ago I was gonna replace the last mini with another brand and was at Walmart and they had just the plain ole 12 cup drip Mr. Coffee on sale.  Thing was so cheap that I couldn't pass it up.  Had leftover K-cups that I just removed the top and used that coffee in the basket with a filter.  Funny how often the  cheap no frills coffee pots with no frills tend to last forever.  

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Registered: ‎02-09-2016

@Carmie Thank-You for the hope that they can last A  LONG TIME. i REALLY ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE OF MY kEURIG.

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Posts: 9,012
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I love my Keurig.  I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning and sometimes one at lunch.  I clean mine often.  I bought the rinse they sell and run that through it every two weeks.  

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Posts: 36,812
Registered: ‎08-19-2010



Easy pay day 5 easy pays on everything good time to buy


also the gal who found a dead mouse in her Le Crueset pot can

replace on easy pays.


Frankly, I'd just buy a new pot at Bed and Bath for around 50