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Tuned in Q 2  Saturday 8/27 Mary In The Kitchen should be Mary On The Couch ,all I see her sitting on the couch, gets up a few times but setting doesn't look like a kitchen anymore.

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  I could be in the Forum minority on this, but I can't imagine why the name matters.   Nor do I care who hosts or whether they sit or stand.

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@Mimi NY The QVC2 studio is so much smaller than the regular studio so I think that is one of the reasons for what you are seeing.  My remembrance is there is not an actual kitchen as there is just not room.

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@colleena wrote:

@Mimi NY The QVC2 studio is so much smaller than the regular studio so I think that is one of the reasons for what you are seeing.  My remembrance is there is not an actual kitchen as there is just not room.

@colleena   Exactly.  It's been mentioned a few times that all QVC 2 shows are done on a tiny corner of a set, with limited crew.  None of the shows ever have all items or colors, and the hosts cannot demonstrate things like they can on the main channel.


Frankly, I'm surprised they continue with ITKWM on QVC 2.  In my opinion, there's absolutely no added benefit having a host.  The vendors can do the show like they do in all of their other QVC 2 vendor-solo shows.  I stopped watching ITKWM a while ago. 

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Mary was up and about in  the Temptations show before that.  Personally I don't care if they are sitting on the couch or doing cartwheels.  In that case as long as the vendor is there to show and demonstrate the product.


I seldom like food shows but can tolerate them better with some hosts over other hosts.  Mary is one where I can tolerate it.  I was channel flipping so it didn't really matter  to me what she was doing.  I think she is a great host.

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Sometimes there is a health problem that dictates a host sit instead of stand.  

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@depglass - Apparently, someone had expressed concern about a potential health issue for Mary in one of the livestreams as a result of her sitting down in the previous week's show, so she specifically mentioned on yesterday's show that she is just fine and this "couch corner" is just the way the show is set up on Saturdays.

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This topic reminded me of when the host of "Cooking with Bob" left and David took over.


After the first show somebody was upset and remarked that "everyone else was cooking and David was just eating". 


I thought it was so funny.

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i'm tired of the Scott twins pushing their mattress

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It's better than her lying on the couch - or across the counters or on the floor.  I like her, but honestly, way too much over the top silliness.