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Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

I'm not!  I went to Fresh Market and got a beautiful cherry pie.  OH!!!  Did I mention the chocolate eclaires? (This IS actually one, lol!!!)!!!


See the source image

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

mmmmmmmm looks good 😊


I was actually just looking up recipes for a dessert for Friday evening.  My family loves German chocolate cake, so I'm thinking about that.  We don't do many sweets around here, so whatever we have will be a treat.  


Happy Valentine's Day to all of you.  ❤️

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

@ECBG   Many have posted the recipe here before.  I will be making the Hershey's cocoa chocolate cake and frosting which are printed on the container.


Can't believe Valentine's Day is so close.  The time has flown by.


Not sure what the dinner menu will be.  Will see what is featured in the Harris Teeter flyer that comes out tomorrow.

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

I'll be lucky if my husband acknowledges the day with anything ... a card, dinner, flowers, candy is a long gone thing.  I can't remember if he ever gave me a single thing.  He gave my daughter flowers once a long long time ago and I think he did it just to be mean to me.

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?


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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

@rms1954 wrote:

I'll be lucky if my husband acknowledges the day with anything ... a card, dinner, flowers, candy is a long gone thing.  I can't remember if he ever gave me a single thing.  He gave my daughter flowers once a long long time ago and I think he did it just to be mean to me.

I'm sorry, @rms1954 .  Not nice of him.

Treat yourself to some flowers or a pedicure.  🌷

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

@rms1954   I agree with @alicedee so buy yourself a lovely bouquet at the supermarket of your favorite flowers and some other little treat.


I've done that in the past when I was in a similar situation long ago.


Some guys just don't understand that even the gesture of a card is wonderful.



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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

@rms1954 Hey Girl!!!!  If I were there, we would spend the day shopping and having a TWO martini lunch!!!!!!


Cause havoc and SMILE!!!!!!😈

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

@rms1954 :  I agree with the other ladies here, go out and buy yourself something that you have been eyeing.  Wrap it up and sit on the counter for him to see.  I'm sorry.

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Re: Are You Baking Your Valentine's Dessert?

I'm baking my husband a Devils Food cake with peanut butter frosting.