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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

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Sales people will tell you anything and agree to anything to get you to give them the sale.


I am redecorating my house right now and both sales people I worked with at two different companies agreed to certain things I requested.  But when it came time to do the work, the people actually doing the work were not willing to abide by the terms their sales people agreed to.


It's very frustrating.


Regardless of what most people do and what's best for the sale, you as the customer should be able to request certain terms and have the expectation that these companes will abide by the terms they agreed to.


QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@sligo: may I respectfully suggest that you not hire any of your agent friends as your listing agent? This is a big business transaction. Keep it all business. This way, you wlll still have all your friends!

As previously mentioned, I listed my house this past June. Prior to listing, I researched top selling agents in my area, then interviewed three of them. I did not hire the "front runner". I ended up hiring the man who sold my previous home. He had to earn my business again, and he did. I was reminded of why I chose him last time over a friend. He had a unique selling plan, worked hard and I found out why he is the top producer in my state in his company. My house sold in a day for well over list. Be sure your agent's style is compatible with yours. I like someone who has a team approach in today's market. Important: look at their listings online. The quality of the photos is everything!

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

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Few people are going to like what I have to say on this subject, but I will say it emphatically and mean it,




--Sellers should NEVER try to "show the guests around and point out things about the house."  NEVER........please!!


That is no way to sell an otherwise good house.  99 percent of the time this behavior will just shoot the seller in the foot.  


Much more could be explained here about all the reasons to stay out of a "friendly conversation" with a buyer agent and his/her client.  I am glad I am not the listing agent on any house where this "system" of showings is taking place.


I have resigned from listings where  this sort of thing was going on.  There was no bright future for me or the seller if things stayed the way they were.  I let the seller's  next agent explain why the house hadn't yet sold, if the seller wouldn't listen to me.


On the other hand, the seller should never be surprised by an unexpected  and unscheduled showing and should be given time to leave the property,at least step outside or go to a neighbor's house. 


Or at least  not be hovering  in the same room where agent and buyer would be prevented from talking freely and honestly to each other about likes and dislikes.


 Agents can get sloppy about extending courtesy and notifications  to sellers, so sometimes the story can be different.  Those agents can always be told to come back another, more convenient time--but that might not get the house sold.




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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

Very bad idea for the seller to be present in the house.  Most real estate agents wisely discourage this.  Unless you are disabled or something like that, you should leave the house when a showing is scheduled.  I was retired too when I sold and my agent would call when a showing was scheduled in enough time for me to leave.  Go to a local coffee shop, or somewhere for a while and come back after the showing is done. 

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

I have "no horse in this race"; have never sold a home, we built our home..   But I can say if I was a potential buyer I would appreciate the realtor having a disclosure document before they showed me a home.  


I have no experience and don't know if showing a potential buyer the disclosure document prior to viewing is appropriate.  There is criteria I would like to know before I even considered viewing the home.  Why waste everyone's time.

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

[ Edited ]

We fired a real estate agent once.  Felt he was pricing our condo to "move."  What did he care?  He wasn't going to have to live with the profits - or not as the case maybe.  He had a very high number of successful listings and we felt his pricing had a lot to do with it.  We paid a $500 fee to get rid of him but were also bound by the existing contract if someone had looked at the condo with him initially.  He was also a hyper mess - husband can be as well when pressured.  The two of them together!!  Just wow.


None of our agents through 3 residences would let us stay through a showing.  Ever.  Even if it was another agent.  The people looking at your place are extremely uncomfortable and guarantee they will not consider your property because of it.

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@Thebig I   I'll only say one more thing.  When you picked a name for yourself here on the boards, you hit the nail on the head.  Since you know it all, why are you even asking questions?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

I might be wrong but I don’t think your agent needs to be there when someone wants to look at the house. Typically it would be the perspective buyer and their agent. 

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

This sounds like a certain poster who has been missing. Lol

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Re: Question to REAL ESTATE experts....from a seller

@ Carmie, I sincerely appreciate your advice.I know this is not the"right" time of year to place home on market. Hopefully we will sell sooner rather then later. Once again a sincere thank you for answering my question. Providence