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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

I don't go by color schemes...everything goes together but blue (with the exception of the colored light sets on the trees that have a few blue lights in the mix...


I decorate by surface area/vignette and try to tie in a few things for them to be fruit, certain pieces I will split up or particular lighting, but nothing else. It's a combo of decor we love and enjoy.

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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

@vermint wrote:

@Carmie Your tree is just beautiful!

Thank you...that was my tree last year.  It’s still in boxes in my basement, for now.

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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

I like multicolored lights on my tree with the ornaments I collect. So basically, the tree incorporates every color. My tree is my baby, I love my tree. 🎄


I also like faux pine garlands with bright red berries. The same if any wreath(s) are used.


Pinecones are a given for me.... I have many different varieties and sizes...I like those mixed in with various shaped red ornaments displayed in large bowls.


Also, if using a holiday tablecloth - I use some type of plaid of red and green. Nothing too busy though.


Any candles are always a neutral ivory. 


-Texas Hill Country-
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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

Besides my main tree (which I use colored lights and have sentimental ornaments from my life which are all different colors), I use mostly metallics and items that have the look of ice. For example, the wreath on my front door has the look of bare branches with ice crystals covering it. I also have touches of color in other areas (plaid ribbon around candles, placemats, etc).

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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

Burgundy and forest green. With a touch of white Angels, Santas and Snowmen. In the mix is silver Christmas trees on the mantel. And lots of white lights and green swags.

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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

Silver and gold on our upstairs tree.  Outside, white net lights on the shrubs and a wreath with white lights.

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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

I have done all shades of green and then went to shades of apple green and added red. It is beautiful. I keep the same theme going through my home. This year I went way out and am doing all white a and silver w ith a touch of brown. Looks gorgeous so far. Next year I have made up my mine I am going to do all blue. I have never been able to do an all blue theme but I just have to once in my life LOL.



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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?



Hi there! I did a search on mattresses and your post (from Jan. of this year) about your Grammercy 14-in from Wayfair came up.  


I need a mattress but don't want to break the bank.


Do you still like yours? 


 Do you remember the weight limit on this?  Someone complained that the bed broke down on their hubby's side.




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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

@Regal Bee I do tend to change it up from year to year. Last year it was all sparkle in white and gold. This year I am hitting it hard with red and silver and plaid. What Valerie sells each year often bends me in a certain direction. I put my tree up Sunday and trying to refrain from putting anything else out until after Thanksgiving. (It's hard)

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Holiday Color Scheme for your Home?

[ Edited ]

@Quackeroo wrote:



Hi there! I did a search on mattresses and your post (from Jan. of this year) about your Grammercy 14-in from Wayfair came up.  


I need a mattress but don't want to break the bank.


Do you still like yours? 


 Do you remember the weight limit on this?  Someone complained that the bed broke down on their hubby's side.




Hi @Quackeroo  We've had our Gramercy 14" hybrid mattress close to a year and a half now and we still love it!  I'm not kidding when I tell you that I say that to myself every night when I lay down.  DH and I enjoy our getaways but there's nothing like getting back in your own bed.  This has honestly one of the best purchases we've ever made.  I'm not familiar with the complaint you're referring to, but if you've read the reviews on Wayfair, you can see for yourself how well the mattress is liked/loved.  I don't know the max weight recommendation, but I wouldn't let one negative comment make my decision for me when there are 1500 4 star reviews.  I'm no small woman by any means and my side of the mattress is the same today as it was when we first got it.  Right now the mattress is a fabulous price on the Wayfair site.  I thought we got a great deal, but it's even better now.  My son and his fiancee recently bought one and so did someone at my dentist's office.  My DH and I have thrown good money after bad when it comes to mattresses.  The one before this, a Stearns & Foster, was over $2000 on sale and we hated it from Day One.  We should have returned it, but didn't.  Getting a topper helped a little but we never were happy.    

If you decide to get the mattress, you'll need a platform to place it on.  You can use a traditional bedframe and box spring, but I can't attest to how well that works.  We bought the best heavy duty Smart Base for ours and I'd recommend the same to you.  They aren't expensive and there's excellent storage options underneath it, if you hide everything with a bed skirt or bedspread that goes down to the floor.


ETA - One more thing I need to mention.  The mattress is VERY heavy (at least the king size is).  It comes rolled up in a box.  You will need two strong people to carry the box to the bedroom you plan to use the mattress in and do all your unwrapping there.