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Re: What have you said no more of

I moved recently and donated more than 50% of my belongings.  As I've unpacked the rest, I've found that I have way, way too many candles, both traditional flame and battery-operated versions.  They fill up a whole cabinet, so I will not be buying any more candles for the forseeable future.

I won't be buying any more seasonal decor either.  When the seasonal items I already own become too worn to use, I won't replace them.

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Re: What have you said no more of


That's a good one, I definitely agree!

Have A Nice And Enjoy Your Weekend GIF
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Re: What have you said no more of

True story, lol…


When I was going through my divorce my ex who is very narcissistic and made everything hard, decided I had too much home decor, and at first, he said I could take everything. Well, as things got more contentious he dug in and said I had to split everything 50/50. So at night when he was sleeping I went to the attic and garage and went through every box and cherry-picked what I wanted. I left some very nice things. 


I was moving 12 hours away to another state far away from him, and as the movers were loading the truck I was tossing some of his boxes at the truck and told the movers to hurry and get them loaded lol. I figured he wasn't going to chase us down the highway for them. I did leave some very nice things behind and to this day I am sorry about some of my choices😭. After the divorce was final he texted me and said…all the stuff you left behind, I threw away haha.😭😭😭

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Re: What have you said no more of

[ Edited ]

Easy, WW.  I can weigh myself for free, don't like where they moved the classes to, and the whole thing, just didn't do it for me anymore.  After all my years of education for me on proper eating, I will do it for me.  Thought all that time it was, bought into that. No more. So far, it's working!!  


Stuff: cookbooks, perfume, jewelry.

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Re: What have you said no more of

@MG Chris 


Everything and certainly seasonal decor🫣


I went to Home Goods yesterday oh my I had to honestly have willpower like I never have -- the Halloween & Fall decor was beautiful and kept calling me😯😯



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Re: What have you said no more of

@homedecor1 wrote:

@MG Chris 


Everything and certainly seasonal decor🫣


I went to Home Goods yesterday oh my I had to honestly have willpower like I never have -- the Halloween & Fall decor was beautiful and kept calling me😯😯



@homedecor1 wrote:

@MG Chris 


Everything and certainly seasonal decor🫣


I went to Home Goods yesterday oh my I had to honestly have willpower like I never have -- the Halloween & Fall decor was beautiful and kept calling me😯😯



I love looking at the pretty fall things at HG TJ' etc, but i can't buy more of it, so strictly looking for me



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Re: What have you said no more of

@MG Chris wrote:

@KingstonMom wrote:

@MG Chris wrote:

@Estellee wrote:

@MG Chris 80 Luminara's in a great collection, I'd love to see it, lol. For me probably I would say no to christmas decorations but I can't resist some of Valerie's illuminated pieces.

I store all my candles in tubs all standing up so they stay nice lol. They are nothing glamorous. I just love the look of candlelight especially in the fall/winter season. It makes a home so cozy and inviting. I do use a lot of them over these seasons. I am always amazed how fast the tubs start to empty when I start using them. 

@MG Chris 


If there are any liquor stores in your vicinity, grab a box that still has the insert to keep the liquor bottles from banging on each other.


Our liquor store puts their boxes outside their door for moving, etc.


It's a cheap fix and the dividers keep your candles from banging around and getting damaged.

I love this idea! Thank you

I do the same thing with my aerosols.  Bug spray etc.  keeps them in one place away from little ones.

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Re: What have you said no more of

I've said "no more" to throw pillows, Christmas decorations, and unnecessary clothing purchases. It's always a work in progress since I like to shop for new things. 

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Registered: ‎09-10-2020

Re: What have you said no more of

When Jorge was on ShopHQ selling Waterford, he had the same effect that Dimitri from Skinn has. He would look at the camera and tell me needed more and my fingers were typing and spending. After his shows tons of boxes would show up.  I have so much Waterford I forget what I have. 



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Re: What have you said no more of

Everything! I like everything I already have and don't want anymore and don't want to store anymore.

Moving will do that especially.


I also like to re-find and appreciate things I haven't used in a while.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"