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I know y'all love her, but she has had so many TSV's this year.  I am not overly impressed with her clothes. $45 plus for a t-shirt - come on.

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I love her stuff and rarely think I overspent.

I think there’s too many ugly shoe TSV’s but someone’s buying all those hideous sandals.
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I have to say I agree with you.   It does seem she has had her share of TSV's for sure.

I will say I have a couple pairs of her Flexibelle jeans and I really like them.  Her tops for some reason didn't work well for me and I simply cannot understand what the story is with a long sleeve sweatshirt looking top in the middle of June.  I would absolutely melt in that and I live in the northeast!   As far as prices, it is crazy isn't it??!!  You can get similar tops locally or on other websites for $19.99 and free shipping.  

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@RollTide2008 wrote:
I love her stuff and rarely think I overspent.

I think there’s too many ugly shoe TSV’s but someone’s buying all those hideous sandals.

I think her stuff is overpriced, but then I think all the clothing is overpriced.  Agree on the ugly shoes, but I'm sick of all the vacuum TSV's.  No worries.  Soon we'll be bombarded with Christmas stuff 24/7 for months.

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@disneynut57   Seems like every other week or so. I thought the same thing when I saw another one today, had no idea.

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I was just thinking that she's taken over for Logo. Seems we were bombarded with Logo for so long that I finally just stopped watching, now seems each time I turn it on to check what's going on, KG is on. Summer has arrived in my little corner of the world and the last thing I need is a long sleeved top. At least this one's not polyester, however.

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I think there are too many mattress TSVs!  How often does one buy a mattress?  ....and who buys from a TV channel without checking it out in person?  I can understand someone who really can't go out to shop but with the number offered here it certainly seems like many love to buy something like that online.


As for Kim G, I like a lot of her clothes but her TSVs are not working for me.  However I can often find something new on her TSV days that I like.

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EASY pass. I don't like her or her OVERPRICED, NOTHING SPECIAL  clothing.

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There is no such thing as too many of Kim's TSV's.  Especially her flexibelle jeans.

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@layla2450 wrote:

EASY pass. I don't like her or her OVERPRICED, NOTHING SPECIAL  clothing.

I like her and her clothing and cosmetics are very good quality. To each her own.And she is so pleasant and lots of fun to watch.