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Posts: 185
Registered: ‎05-09-2022

I never get tired of KG in her presentations, even if I am not interested in purchasing the item being sold. She is charming and has a great sense of humor.


I live in rural upstate NY, and throughout the months of July, August & September it can be in the 80s or 90s during the day, BUT the minute the sun goes down temps begin to much as 20-25 degrees. Nights are positively CHILLY up here...lovely for sleeping with windows open. I rarely run air-conditioning, ever. 


When my kids come up to visit they always forget to pack sweaters or hoodies...even after visiting me here for years. Then they all raid my closet and grab all my thermal & fleece zip-up hoodies. If I don't check, all my stuff ends up going back to Jersey when they leave...


So yeah, some of us need long sleeves 12 months of the year.

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Posts: 14,000
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Persnally I love Kim Gravel's line.  Way back I asked if she was the new Louis Del' Olio, meaning attention given to the line, not styling.  Boy did I get clobbered.  So expect some blowback from LOGO fans.  I'll read thread later, it may already be here.

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Posts: 2,020
Registered: ‎05-06-2016

I like her Flexibelle line. I have three items, a pair of shorts and two capri pants. They're very comfortable and have held up well.


For those asking about her makeup, it's not bad. After my mom passed I inherited a lot of her makeup and beauty stuff, most of it was from QVC and she had some Belle Beauty lipsticks, which I liked. 


Kim is popular and her line sells so it's a no-brainer for QVC to promote it a lot.