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Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

I think it's a very cute look. Love her





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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

Cute dress

Cute sneakers


I'm not a fan of sneakers with dresses tho'. I "kind of" like the "idea", but really if I'm honest with myself, not the look, and on me I'd just feel frumpy...but definitely she pulls it off.  I prefer a sandal, always. 

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

I like her look very much and love the sneakers.  She looks so comfortable and well put together.  I don't mind sneakers with dresses and skirts.  

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

I like the dress, no on the shoes.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

Very cute. I like sneakers with anything.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

I have always like Jennifer Garner. The “ look” this summer is bright white sneakers with everything…..supposedly it makes your outfit look expensive. And to think of all those years in my white Keds Champions…I was really fashion forward!
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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

Very nice.  I'm going to web search for a similar style.


Good length, too.  Not short-short.  

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

@lovesrecess wrote:
I have always like Jennifer Garner. The “ look” this summer is bright white sneakers with everything…..supposedly it makes your outfit look expensive. And to think of all those years in my white Keds Champions…I was really fashion forward!

I like Jennifer too, and thanks for letting me know this is an approved fashion look.  (I'm not up on the latest!)


Still, to me this is another case of fashion not being flattering.  The shoes look clunky.  Sandals or even a Jambu-style covered-toe sandal type shoe would look better.

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

Shoes are Gucci -- $699 a pair.  That's a lot of love!

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Re: Jennifer Garner's Dress With Sneakers

I've seen a couple of people wearing dresses with sneakers and they looked good.  I'm not loving them on Jennifer Garner because they look big and bulky, like athletic shoes. What I saw that looked good were not Superga, but similar to their classic sneaker.