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Jackie the blond plus sized model

She is so lovely....but Logo looks terrible on as almost painful to see her dressed in the TS top today.....she looks a mess. How can Lori think it looks good on Jackie? 

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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

Jacque is a model and is being paid to model the clothes they put her in.  Lori is trying to sell her clothing so of course Lori is going to talk about how great it looks on *all* the models and how it's suitable for every size, height and body shape.


That's their job.  It's up to viewers to decide if this makes sense for them to purchase. 

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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

It would look better if she wore one size larger.  The fabric is stretched through her chest and upper arms.

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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

They don't seem to be over-layering this TSV.  Which is a good thing, imo.  Sometimes less is more.  So far, so good.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

I have see Jacqui in person. IRL she is definitely not plus size. Maybe a size 12. I have seen some of the other models, too. Some have legs that appear longer than I am tall!

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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

The point is to give an idea about size and sizing. It's like Mally mascara. You can build your lashes up to the point where they touch your eyebrows - they're showing that something is possible. But just because something is possible doesn't make it the right thing to do.

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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

IMO if something does not look good on a professional model, I doubt that it would look good on me so those items are an easy pass for me.


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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

What year did you see "J" in person?  Lots changed over the years.

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Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

@queendiva wrote:

I have see Jacqui in person. IRL she is definitely not plus size. Maybe a size 12. I have seen some of the other models, too. Some have legs that appear longer than I am tall!

@queendiva  Interesting about having seen her in person.  Jackie says she wears the size large when she models and a 14 in pants.   She has been looking even prettier than usual for the past few weeks, except today I think her hair isn't her best look - much too flat.  But she's very pretty and always good-natured. One of my favorites.

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Posts: 18,590
Registered: ‎07-26-2014

Re: Jackie the blond plus sized model

@queendiva wrote:

I have see Jacqui in person. IRL she is definitely not plus size. Maybe a size 12. I have seen some of the other models, too. Some have legs that appear longer than I am tall!



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