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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

@MoonieBaby wrote:

@Still Stylish Lady 


You are a BEAUTY and I'm fairly certain you could wear a paper bag, and make it look stylish!


The jacket indeed is so pretty on you - as are you, a very pretty lady!


she is beautiful and inspiring!  I've told @StylishLady she needs a blog!

Let others know there's style in life after 80!!

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

what the what @Andreatoo  !!!???


NO WAY, nope, I can't, I won't, - HOLY TOLEDO - she is a fox!


Wow, talk about INSPO INFLUENCE - you are right.


She needs a blog...S T A T !

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

I wish the dress was not so straight...I need something with a waist shape or empire waist so that the fabric falls away a bit from the body.  That straight shape would not be flattering on me.

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

@RealtyGal2 wrote:

@rms1954 wrote:

Seems like she's taking over HSN.  Every time I turn around she has a TSV.  Today is a dress.  I don't like the hemline.  

I think Coleen is a great host and has great taste. She has been with HSN for a long time and has earned everything she has. I like her line of clothing and think we are fortunate that she is sharing her ideas with us. If you don't like her then don't watch.Smiley Happy

But ... we watch because we MIGHT see something we DO like!  That's okay!  

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

@Mom2Dogs   I have the exact same figure concerns you do with this dress.  And I am also 5' on my tippy toes so even the petite version of this dress would be a pass for me.

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

She's a host but she's also vendor.  I don't today's maxi. It's thin and I don't like the hem.  It was an easy pass for me.

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

I like Colleen.  Her line is on a fair amount time versus the other vendors.


I almost ordered the dress but after watching a couple of presentations, I thought if I didn't get the size absolutely right, the dress would be clingy if it were too small.  The material appeared to be thin especially in the solid blue.  It would be something I would need to try on before purchasing.


I passed on it. 


Also, I didn't understand, the styling which was going on with the some models and hosts with knotting the bottom front of the dress.  Did not look good to me.

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

Colleen's style is not my style. I don't wear pleasant tops, off the shoulder, flowy etc. 

I don't usually like the patterns she picks either but I love to watch. You don't have to like everyone!

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Re: Colleen Lopez Line on HSN

@Still Stylish Lady wrote:



I got this Colleen Lopez top from HSN. Goes well with one of my skirts or pants to match. 

You look very cute.  That top looks amazing on youSmiley Happy