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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@lolakimono wrote:


Good morning!

School is crazy busy.  Admin. added another class to my schedule the day before BTS night, so I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off. (sorry @Bird mama ) Cat Embarassed


Yesterday I went back to the uro for the kidney stone recheck.  Of course, nothing showed up on CT, but I saw something myself two weeks ago and then the pain went away.  I had an abnormally high level of protein in my urine, but this time everything was perfect, which is another sign of acute kidney "distress."


Today I woke up with sweats and chills, abdominal cramping and nausea.  I don't know if I have picked up a BTS virus, or this is diverticulitis.  I have my kitty nurse and a heating pad, so those are my big plans for today.

I hope you get better as the day goes on. This sounds very painful, and you are working way too hard. I know how bad it can get as a retired school music teacher. I have ulcerative colitis, and even retired I get flares every now and then -- had one this past week that is still threatening me. I'm trying to get back to taking my meds regularly to prevent that stuff. Stress can really wreak havoc on our bodies. Wishing you the best.



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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@lolakimono wrote:

@fancy pantsy wrote:

@lolakimono i am so sorry that you are not feeling good this morning again.  please take care and  continue to listen to your body. 

@fancy pantsy 

Thank you.  I am entering day 8 of double cold sores, one each in opposite corners of my mouth.  Now they are scabbed over, so I have dried blood spots.  I went to the grocery store yesterday at 6:30 a.m. to get treats for my long term sub's birthday.  The cashier said "poor you" and gave me a "tip" from her mother.  She claimed to use EARWAX at the first sign of a blister and it took care of it quickly.  Sure enough, when I got home I checked online and it's something that is supposed to work, but IDK if I can bring myself to do that...

@lolakimono   I get cold sores quite often.  I always have acylovir on hand, but something I have found that shortens the duration of the outbreak is a tissue salt remedy.



I am not sure if you are familiar with cell/tissue salts.  They are a homeopathic remedy......have you  heard of arnica montana?  Same thing.  I put 4 or 5 pellets under my tongue several times a day.  It really works for me.  It is also good for poison ivy.  It's therapeutic remedy goes beyond what is on the bottle.


I just thought I would tell you about this.  I know how miserable cold sores are and then on top of everything else you are going through.


Be well!

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:



I read what you wrote again.

DH cared for both his mom and his brother through the process. They were both in places of care, but I have to admire anyone who makes it through difficulties such as these. It is so devastating.

My Mom was never in a place of care. I took care of her through a year plus of a serious chronic illness. After that she had a year of doing better and I am so grateful for that. Then she ended up in hospice at home with cancer. I had help from the hospice which isn't much at all. And a paid home health aide for 12 hrs a week.


I appreciate the kindness and support I always receive in this thread. I always know I'll regret posting such personal painful things elsewhere on these forums. They'll always be at least one person. It's pathetic actually, don't know what other word to use.


I am so sorry that happened to you in the store. I know exactly what you were feeling, I think. My mom and I were the best of friends -- shopping pals, going to movies, going on cruises together, and then she started to slip into dementia and didn't pass until she was far far gone into it. It broke my heart right into pieces to lose her twice. When I see an older lady shopping with her daughter it brings tears to my eyes. I miss my mom's companionship and love SO MUCH. 



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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@twinny70   so you got the $50 Basso coat for $5?.  Now that's what I call a great deal.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@twinny70 wrote:

OMG!  I got to the store as soon as it was open.  My coat was still there for $49.99.  A store clerk was standing by the rack of coats and I asked her how long they had been there. She said she didn't know because she hurt herself and was off work for 2 weeks.  She was trying on a coat that was in a box right next to the rack that said $5.00.  Some of them had a broken zipper or a stain.  This DB coat was missing the large nice hood.  I decided that for $5.00, I could turn up the nice big collar.  It's a beautiful coat & the faux fur is "over the mo on "beautiful. It's my lucky day.  Now let's hope that I will be this lucky on our upcoming vacation.


Sox, I am so sorry that your trip had to be cancelled.  LA will be the last state on our "bucket list" if we can cross off NM and OK.  Right now I am too afraid to fly or take a bus trip anywhere.  I don't love cooking either, but I plan to have Christmas Eve lunch here.  My brother and his family are 22 miles S. of us & our dd and her family are 1 1/2 hours NE of us.  They all help me by bringing a dish to pass etc.  


I am off for my walk.

I am so glad you got that coat. What a deal!! Woooohooooo.....enjoy.



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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

Bird Mama and Briggsie, yes, I got the beautiful coat for $5.00 because the hood was missing.  Yesterday when I went there, the only ivory lynx coat they had was the one on a hanger for $49.99.  Now I can't wait to wear it!  It still has the Dennis Basso labels on it & a spare button.  The cloth label says Imported by:






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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@lolakimono  I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well again. I hope you feel better very soon.

@Greeneyedlady21  I was touched by your post about Marshall's and your mom. I used to grocery shop for my mother each weekend, either Friday after work or Saturday, and go to Walgreen's if needed. She passed 3 years ago. I grocery shop for myself every Friday now, and without fail I tear-up on my drive home from the grocery store. I've never told anyone that.

@LTT1  For years, every Saturday my mom, my aunt, my cousin, & I would meet and go shopping. We enjoyed a common interest in fashion, but it was the lunch and the conversation during lunch that meant a great deal and kept us closely connected.

@Bird mama  I ordered those grey leopard Clarks Sharon shoes. I have the Sharon shoe in black, and they work for me. I'll let you know how the leopard ones work out.


I'm home waiting for the landscaper again due to a 5th leak in the sprinkler system. I can't believe it. We had only 1 day of Excessive Heat Warning this week, making it 5 consecutive weeks of weather hovering 110. This coming week it's supposed to be in the mid 90's though. Yay!


In fashion, I bought those grey leopard shoes, the TSV in rust, and a new Denim & Co.floral corduroy shirt in olive #A369916. I haven't purchased so much in months, as I'm still purging to prepare for moving in 1 1/2 -2 years to a COOLER climate.


Enjoy the weekend, Fashionistas.



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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

@Desert Lily  Tell me more about the Sharon bottom shoes you own.  I've seen reviews that they run narrow (yea narrower shoes work for me) and that the heel slips off easily (boo that can be a problem for me).

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7

[ Edited ]

Thank you for this info!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 9/7



I think I see you doing the happy dance!


Enjoy being beautiful in that gorgeous coat!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~