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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 beammeupscottie said:

Last post for now:

You know, I was soooo happy when we found out that Faye Resnick was not going to be on the show. But now, we have Carlton who makes Faye look like a fairy princess.

Everytime I watch Carlton I feel like I need to go take a shower. Something icky about her.

Something icky? How about EVERYTHING icky!!!

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 LipstickDiva said:
On 1/13/2014 Lion said:

I thought Kim was out-of-line with her berating Lisa about not attending the graduation party. When Ken said they did RSVP with regrets and did send a nice gift, her attack looked even worse.

I'm sure she's pushing the drama to stay on the show, and I'm sure the producers had a hand in getting her to attack Lisa.

Ken was right. Kim has a past riddled with not showing up, being very late, and making things unpleasant. She has no place to point fingers.

Her excuse that her past behavior wasn't her fault because of her drinking problem was surprising. Isn't she supposed to be taking responsibility for her past actions and not making excuses, per AA?

This was the only part of the show I've seen (I dvrd it but caught this live) and that seen was just going in circles. Kim wouldn't stop and Lisa kept telling her they were in MN and Kim kept going and Lisa kept going and then Lisa said they RSVPd that they weren't going to be there so what was the problem? LOL

I did think it was rather crummy for Ken to say that to Kim though. Not a Kim fan but I thought that was a low blow. And Lisa doesn't need protecting, which was his excuse for saying it. Lisa has a mouth and brings on plenty. She can protect herself.

I disagree, I think as some have said if Kim is sober she needs to own up her past to get better and to attack Lisa and Ken was wrong. She still reverts to her poor little me BS. She maybe sober but she acts like a dry drunk in her dealing with people. She does not want to take responsibilty for her prior actions. But expects everyone else to. (And her prior indiscretions would not be brought up if she was not so nasty and accusatory) Considering that Ken and Lisa did rsvp and did send a gift. Her berating Ken was uncalled for. He could of been nasty but he was a gentleman and she showed her lack of manners.
Yes, Lisa can handle herself, but Ken is her husband and will defend her. As any husband would do.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

Well said, Caravaggio!!!!

Hope you are well.Smile

ETA: I am so sick of Kim getting a free pass or playing the victim whenever she wants.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 Jules5280 said:

It looks to me like Brandi has too much injected into her lips and it has caused her to be unable to move her mouth correctly and speak clearly.

Brandi speak correctly? hahaha I wish they would botox whatever part of her brain is responsible for spewing all those F-bombs every other word.

I don't think there *is* enough botox for that.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

I wasn't giving Kim a free pass but I stand by my opinion that I think Ken was crummy to throw that at her. The entire argument was nonsensical given the fact that they claimed they RSVP'd with a no to Kim. Initially they were both arguing and you couldn't really tell whether they just didn't show up or what happened.

Personally I would have been more direct and wouldn't even have been going round and round with Kim. I would have told her from the start "You knew we weren't coming, I RSVP'd and said that so don't make it seem as if I just didn't come." That would have been the end of the conversation.

I think all the alcohol Kim drank has fried her brain or something. She is really off usually. Even her one on one interviews are odd.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 Caravaggio said:

I agree Kim was way out of line with her acusing Lisa of lying and going after Ken. Regardless if it was scripted or not, she came off looking petty and rude. She may not be drinking but she still seems off and flaky. She insulted Ken and Joyce seemed uncomfortable as well.

I thought Carleton and Brandi sitting outside was ridiculous, who does that? Very trashy the two of them. Carleton may have money but she has no class and Brandi is the perfect friend for her. Also I am so tired of the little chipmunk voices she does as well as her weird friends. And finally, sorry she maybe skinny(Carleton) but she has a boys body almost as bad as Danielle from the NJ housewives. To me she always looks unclean...

Why does Brandi speak as if she has marbles in her mouth? I never noticed that before.

Seems to me that something was going on with her mouth last night (aside from the usual F bombs). She was talking weird. Like she didn't know how or something.

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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 Shaunac said:

Does anyone think Joyce's nose has been worked on by an overzealous plastic surgeon? It seems too narrow for her face.

Also, in the one on one interviews in last night's episode, Brandi was talking weird, a lisp (she doesn't normally have one) or recent dental work? Anyone?

ITA--Joyce's nose is too chiseled and too thin.

I did notice Brandi talking weird. She is one hot mess. She used to be attractive, and now she's just too weird and plastic looking--far too many fillers for such a young age.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 beammeupscottie said:

Last post for now:

You know, I was soooo happy when we found out that Faye Resnick was not going to be on the show. But now, we have Carlton who makes Faye look like a fairy princess.

Everytime I watch Carlton I feel like I need to go take a shower. Something icky about her.

ITA Scottie. She looks looks dirty to me. She is disgusting.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

On 1/14/2014 Hildegarde Withers said:

Kyle will be selling her clothing line on HSN on 2/25. $70-$200.

interesting news HW.....thanks! i had not heard this.....

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: the real housewives of beverly hills....1/13/14.....with "news", spoilers, gossip

kyles line will be an eight piece collection with her ""personal style"".

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein