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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

I think when we start doing things for the first time again it will be much the way people felt when they first got on a plane after 9/11. We havent forgotten but we did recover. And we will recover from this. In time.
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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

There is a sense of impending doom, right now, making it difficult to envision having this event behind us.  And, when it is, I think we will always have a bit of nagging fear that it, or perhaps something worse, will happen again.  And, now, we know it might.


Our sense of security and safety has been shaken. Not just for ourselves, but for the world. It's going to take a good while to settle from this, so snapping back to the normal we've previously known will be challenging. This will be imprinted in our minds forever.


It's why we need to try our darnedest to add some joy, during this time, to counter these fearful, negative memories, that are taking place -- to override them.


It's a historic moment. That said, we'll always have picture perfect memory for what we were doing during this time. We can create more memories to pick from. It'll be more helpful to picture our laughter, fun, and how capably we handled this crisis, rather than how unsettled we were feeling.  We've got this!  

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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

[ Edited ]

Yes, I think in general folks will be much more “germ phobic” and much more aware of others bodily fluids!


I think Big Business will transfer a lot of thier employees to working at home.

Unfortunately it’s possible many small businesses won’t be back.


Many of us may learn (or re-learn) what/who is *truly important”

and how frivolous much of our spending (of both Time and Money)

has been.


The difference between a WANT and a NEED will be etched in to our



A new appreciation of the company of others and not taking our 

relationships for granted.


A new awareness of how ill prepared we are for *this* pandemic and 

(fingers crossed!) a desire to BE READY FOR THE  NEXT ONE,


Scientists have been predicting a pandemic like this for awhile and they tell us that due to global warming, we should *expect* future pandemics.


But I’m afraid the Powers-that-Be will pursue short-term thinking

and leave our grandkids to clean-up/pay-for our mess.

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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

I don't feel that we are coming a longway at all, In Florida our numbers are skyrocketing and it is scaring the heck out of me.  


People are NOT doing what they are told to do. I am doing what Iam supposed to be doing.  I think we are in this for a very long time.

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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

[ Edited ]

I wonder what are the comparison of deaths due to flu this year ,and this virus ,here in USA. Also what concerns me ,how ill prepared our country is.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

[ Edited ]

When you hear about the hardest hit places, Louisiana, NY, Calif, WA etc describing it like a war zone, and knowing what it is like to lose a loved one on life support or that they are thinking about do not resuscitate,

the descriptions of nurses and doctors wearing trash bags for protection in this country! without needed supplies!

It can feel so hopeless and like we can do all we can and it can hit us anyway.

How they show stories of loved ones

gone in a few days for some.

It is a nightmare and I just feel like 

as my daughter says, "it's a ****** shoot" and we can't protect ourselves 100%.

We could wash every can or package from the grocery store, wear masks, gloves and still get it.

Can only find the much needed laughter or pictures of family, time outside in nature, talking to a loved one every day.

So really we all die so letting it go, can only worry about it so much,I've never been afraid of me dying except for leaving my children sad, so I'm lucky there but I know I won't be able to live if my children or grandchildren didn't. And that's just the truth. I don't know how parents do it. I don't.

and then just have to live the best life we can each day. 

On the other hand, if we come out of this with everyone ok in our family , we will be so grateful! Still every family experiences heartbreak and loss. I don't think there is one out there that hasn't. 

So those who lift each other up, give hope or laughter, you've become so human with wingsSmiley Happy and I thank you.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

@goldensrbest wrote:

I wonder what are the comparison of deaths due to flu this year ,and this virus ,here in USA. Also what concerns me ,how ill prepared our country is.

As of March 6, 2020, the CDC reported approximately 20,000 flu deaths in this current flu season (September-March 6th.) They're happening at a good rate, they're just not being reported on as intensely as the coronavirus deaths. 


From the start of the coronavirus (October? November? Definitely by December,) the total number of deaths worldwide is now 22,020. The death rate is pretty comparable depending on when one assumes both started.


The total number of coronavirus deaths in the US is reportedly 1,054 at this moment. We pretty much accept flu deaths as being routine despite vaccines and very effective treatments. The number of deaths from the flu each year between 2010 and 2016 was from 12,000-56,000.



Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

It feels like we are living one of those old sci-fi movies.  Something you never in your widlest dreams could imagine would ever happen.  Yet --- here we all are!  Seeing and hearing all of this about Italy ---- it's beyond comprehension.  And New York, getting so bad!  I mean, it's everywhere.  There is no escape from it.  People who think they are immune, or take the attitude --- well, it can't or won't happen to me --- they are just not facing reality.  We don't know where the next really heavy wave of it will hit next.  I am trying to remain as positive as I can but this is very real!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Will We Feel Different When?

It really makes you realize how fragile we are and how you cannot count on another day.  I am retired and my husband gets on my last nerve and sometimes I wish I was single but now I realize that I want us to be together for a long time if possible.  When this is over maybe I will not worry as much about unimportant things and let stupid things get me down.  I don't think I will ever be able to touch public things like door handles or menus without pulling the sanitizer.  Shaking hands was never something I liked so I think that will be over for me.   

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Will We Feel Different When?

Just saw the US toll went over 1000. Hearing that the New Orleans numbers have jumped as a result of Mardi Gras, I wish local officials would have cancelled many of those events involving big groups. But even having said that, I know some people will not cooperate. We just had a tavern owner get fined for allowing groups in his bar which violates our mandate against gatherings.