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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

 I threw away my engagement ring by accident when I took off disposable gloves I was using. I didn't realize until after the trash had come because I normally take it off before cleaning and thought it was on my dresser. That was fun. 
Smaller things like sunglasses and silverware too. 

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

Just a couple weeks ago I was finally cleaning out my bra and panties drawer.  Decided to get rid of bras that I just didn't like.  Into the trash they went.  I looked for my "good" bras all over the house and realized I threw them out, too.  Fortunately, the trash didn't get picked up yet so I was able to recover and wash them. 

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

I'm pretty sure I had bought stamps but when I went to look for them they weren't there.

So I'm pretty sure I accidently threw them away😕

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

Probably the worst was an earring -  1/4 carat of decent diamonds.   I still wear its mate which I had converted into a pendant I wear on a fine gold chain.  in a way not all bad because I've worn the necklace so many times whereas for some reason I was "saving" the earrings for special occasions.

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

Completely lost a Mally Eyebrows in my bathroom. 


It 's no where to be found, and I wasn't in the cabinet!

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Registered: ‎09-22-2017

Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

Not expensive but a cute Mickey Mouse pizza cutter from our

Disney trip. Got tossed inside a pizza box. Somebody forgot 

to put it in the dishwasher.

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

I've recently been trying to transition away from disposable cotton rounds to washable ones. There have been at least 3 times when I've realized my laundry bag didn't have all the ones I'd used, because I'd automatically tossed them in the trash. FORTUNATELY, so far I've been able to retrieve all of them. It's not diamonds though! Woman Wink

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

Years ago I put letters to mail in the mail box and mistakenly grabbed an envelope containing $300 of travelers checks (for a trip I was going on) with the letters I was mailing...,.thank goodness I was able to replace them....wonder where they ended up?

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Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

A brand new pair of fairly expensive shoes. I got confused by the boxes -- meant to throw away an old, worn-out pair from the same brand. As my daughter would say, sad face.

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Registered: ‎07-21-2011

Re: What have you thrown away by accident?

For some reason I love to throw out salad forks.  I currently have only two.  

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