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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Here's the video and an explanation.  I decided to do a search for the meaning.

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@tansy Thanks for that!  Now it makes sense - his wistful smile at his wife who is driving, & her understanding smile back.  I've only seen the other commercial a couple of times while I've seen this one numerous times.


Now what the heck does that have to do with Volvos?

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@mustang66lady wrote:


I don't usually  don't post on this forum but this thread caught my attention.  I am so tired of "creepy" commercials.   I hate the Synders of Hanover commercials with the "Pretzels, Baby" lady.  She looks like a female "Damien" of The Omen movies!  There are many other creepy commercials out there and have made it my resolve not to purchase from these companies.  Since when did "creepy" equal advertising?   If a company cannot tell me or convince me why their product is better without the "creep", I'm not buying!

Lol! @mustang66lady! The pretzel lady reminds me of a zombie!



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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

[ Edited ]

To me the most annoying commercials are anything with Flo and the gecko, the girl with the car named Brad, and the Walgreens Pretty Woman.  It seems like they're on all the time.

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

Any commercial with a doorbell is a major annoyance when you've got 4 dogs.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@tansy wrote:

Here's the video and an explanation.  I decided to do a search for the meaning.

Thanks for the link @tansy.  The comments alone helped me to not feel so clueless about this particular ad campaign.

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@Kachina624 wrote:

Any commercial with a doorbell is a major annoyance when you've got 4 dogs.



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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

@Kachina624 wrote:

Any commercial with a doorbell is a major annoyance when you've got 4 dogs.

I feel the same about commercials/shows with ringing cell phones.  I know I drive DH nuts asking, "Was that my phone?"

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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

A. The really annoying car insurance ads with Statue of Liberty always in background. Filmed in lower Manhattan? Why?  People in Manhattan don't drive much, folks. Most don't own cars. Makes no sense to me. And they run those ads over and over. I mute or change channel when I see one.

B. The Flo insurance ads with purposely grainy film quality and almost garbled sound. Don't know what they're going for with those ads.

C. The pretzel pieces ad in which a scary lady beats a pretzel to crumbs on the counter. Is that supposed to make me want to buy a bag of those beaten pretzel bits? No, thank you. 

D. Matthew mcconaghey (sp?) car ads. Eeewwwwwww. 


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Re: Weird or the most annoying tv commercials

The current toilet paper ads ,talking about enjoying " the go " yuk.!!! 

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Daniel Patrick Moynihan