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You may think it's insignificant. Many do NOT. I, personally, don't like to be treated to a blurb posted somewhere I rarely go. 

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@Sushismom wrote:



You may think it's insignificant. Many do NOT. I, personally, don't like to be treated to a blurb posted somewhere I rarely go. 

@Sushismom   You have to go to QVCs homepage to get to the forums don't you?  I don't know any other way to get to the forums.  The 'blurb' as you call it, was at the top of the home page for everyone to see.  I don't know why you're griping.  


I like the forums too and I'm glad QVC has decided to keep them.  I don't understand why people griped about the way QVC initially stated their decision to take down the boards  (it was on the home page) and now they are griping about the way QVC stated that they're going to keep the boards.  It make no sense whatsoever.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Too Little Too Late

[ Edited ]



Not when you bookmark the forums DIRECTLY. The only time I see that page is if I log in, which I don't always do. There have been several days where I just read. So I'm griping because I did NOT see that at all until I logged in, which was AFTER reading about it on the forums. 


You may not see the gripe I - and many others - have, but that doesn't make you right and us wrong. It just makes you have a different opinion.

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@KatieB wrote:

@Sushismom wrote:



You may think it's insignificant. Many do NOT. I, personally, don't like to be treated to a blurb posted somewhere I rarely go. 

@Sushismom   You have to go to QVCs homepage to get to the forums don't you?  I don't know any other way to get to the forums.  The 'blurb' as you call it, was at the top of the home page for everyone to see.  I don't know why you're griping.  


I like the forums too and I'm glad QVC has decided to keep them.  I don't understand why people griped about the way QVC initially stated their decision to take down the boards  (it was on the home page) and now they are griping about the way QVC stated that they're going to keep the boards.  It make no sense whatsoever.

@KatieB  Some people just like to gripe. 

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It seems you are completely unaware of Bookmarks. They are used by posters to bypass the Home Page and go directly to their chosen forum. 

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Too Little Too Late

[ Edited ]

@occasionalrain  How exactly were they to get the word out?

                            And just Perhaps, those BYPASSING THE HOMEPAGE THAT ADVERTISES THE HIGHIGHTS OF THIS SHOPPING CHANNEL was One of the reasons for their decision to close the forums. You disreguarded their whole reason for being and then complained when they decided to close down a non-vital drain on their resources. 

and complain again when there is a reprieve. 

P.S. I didn't mean it to sind like a litteral "You." it is a generalization  covering those who bypassed the homepage. not singlling you out at all.

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I highly doubt the reason QVC decided to shut down the forums was because many of us had the forums bookmarked and bypassed their homepage that advertises the highlights of this shopping channel.

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Posts: 2,687
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Sushismom wrote:



Not when you bookmark the forums DIRECTLY. The only time I see that page is if I log in, which I don't always do. There have been several days where I just read. So I'm griping because I did NOT see that at all until I logged in, which was AFTER reading about it on the forums. 


You may not see the gripe I - and many others - have, but that doesn't make you right and us wrong. It just makes you have a different opinion.

@Sushismom  I do agree with your last paragraph.