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Is anybody dealing with this? If so how do you cope? It is about to drive me crazy!

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That's ringing of the ears, right? I only get swimmer's ear every once in awhile........

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Registered: ‎05-08-2014

Yes it is and I have it all of my waking hours. It never stops and I am ready to pull my hair out.

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You should see a specialist immediately. This should not be happening all the time.

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Registered: ‎04-21-2014

My husband has it, Pouty. I don't know how he lives with it. I would go crazy. I don't think there is anything you can do for it as it really has nothing to do with your ears, from what I understand....but maybe some kind of nerve damage or signal gone wrong in the brain maybe? something like that.

I did see a natural remedy advertised, so you might want to try that. If it works, let us know!

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On 5/10/2014 SydneyH said:

You should see a specialist immediately. This should not be happening all the time.

Sydney....the nature of tinnitus is that it is constant.

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Look up William Shatner and tinnitus.
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I've had it for five years so far. Not a day has gone by that I haven't heard it and wished it was gone. I don't know how I cope, I just do. Within the first week I accepted that I would always have it. Fortunately, I don't have to work. I think it would be more difficult to deal with if I did, since I rarely get a good night's sleep. Other than sleep it doesn't stop me from doing anything.

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On 5/10/2014 tansy said: Look up William Shatner and tinnitus.

Glad you mentioned him. Reminded me of this clip of him with David Letterman, who also has it.

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Pouty, I have two friends with this. If it makes you dizzy also (which it does them), it makes travel and work deadlines hard to meet. They are both taking medicines from their drs. But one thing I have learned from them: they have to avoid salt. They have to be vigilant about salt. JJ Rousseau and Jonathan Swift both had severe tinnitus, so you at least are in distinguished company.