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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@on the bay wrote:


My youngest daughter always sends a thank you to me and everyone and has had her little 6 and 8 write thank yous too for presents. I always love her notes and also am always so happy and amazed to receive them.


She is my daughter and I know I taught all my children to write hand written thank yous.


But I've found today that many, my age also do a lot of their communication immediately through texts which also mean a lot to me and those who use them.


But for birthdays and major occasions, deaths and weddings, Chirstmas I always send a card.

I did send thank yous to everyone who wrote condolences when my mother died.


I've also appreciated so much when a friend sent me a card one or 2 times a month after an illness. I appreciated that so much. 


So maybe I will rethink my sending of cards for thank yous!


But despite what some say, so many are comfortable and appreciate and communicate through texts and emails today and that is so welcome too. However we communicate, it all matters, just so we know we are thinking of others and they are thinking about us.


And phone calls are good too!



@on the bay Welcome!🥰 I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post! You did an EXCELLENT job of teaching your daughter, who then instilled it in her children!❤ Like you, I appreciate an electronic show of gratitude, but LOVE❤ hand written expressions of gratitude, support, caring,  etc... because someone took the time to do so.😁 With time being our most valuable asset, it makes me appreciate that ever so much more!❤


Phone calls are an even greater show of care and or concern that I appreciate!!!🥰


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖





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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

Yes, I absolutely do. I don't care for thank you texts or emails. I still love receiving cards (the person's own handwriting), and the sentiment it represents. I'm old school as well and feel that if you are lucky enough to receive a gift, you should be grateful enough to write a thank you. 

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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

[ Edited ]



And I still run across various notes and cards sent to me and to my dear mom (rip)  from one of my special long-distance persons throughout the years.  


She writes beautiful notes and is a very deep person.    Heart


Beautiful, easy to read handwriting, too.  



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

Oh yes I do! I also send thank you notes in response to sympathy cards and flowers, and also to thank hosts for a dinner invitation. It may be old fashioned, but I think it shows respect and gratitude for the kindness of others. 


I might add that I was recently thrilled when a niece sent a hand-written thank you note for a wedding gift that had been received prior to the wedding. She included a note saying how thrilled she was that we would be attending the wedding. Classy. And it made us feel welcome amid the young people. These days other nieces and nephews don't even bother to send thank-you notes or texts for wedding gifts at all.  

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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

Yes, most definitely! I send cards of all kinds because I believe it is important to let people know that they are appreciated. Whether it is a Thank You, Get Well, Congratulations, Sympathy or simply, Thinking of You. These simple reminders are so very important, especially in these often trying and stressful times we live in. Sometimes the smallest gestures can mean so very much! I believe a kind word or gesture is never wasted. 💖
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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

I prefer to send an actual card.  I feel it's a way of letting the receiver know that they are important enough for me to take the time and write a personal message.  Electronic or texts says "I can't be bothered to spend my time picking out a card or writing a not expressing my feelings."  I feel the same about receiving them.  

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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@LTT1 wrote:



@on the bay @Pandalady @Mom2Dogs @Franklinbell 


Yes I do...

and it is thrilling to receive one also!

@LTT1 Welcome!🥰 I concur! I feel so special when I receive one, and am sometimes moved to tears!; though it does not take much these days for the floodgates to open up!😊 After reading all of the wonderful responses, I will be even MORE mindful as I have forgotten a time or two because of memory issues!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


~~~All we need is LOVE💖





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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

Yes,we still do and so do our children and grands.

I ain't fraid of no ghosts.
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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊


         Yes !  

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Registered: ‎06-13-2010

Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@Nonametoday wrote:



When I was younger, I always did and raised my children (males and female) to do the same.  When I had MS, I developed some issues with my hands and my brain when I had MS.  I don't know why but I can type and can't write. I have equal difficulty printing. My signature is huge, the size of my whole check almost.  Typing is very different.  One does not have to use the fingers in the same way.  It seems to be a brain-finger coordination thing.  Not sure but my neurologists say they have had other experience the same. 


Now I make sure I send thank you notes that I type and enclose them in a "printed thank you note with my monogram" and someone addresses the envelopes for me.   


My children continue doing handwritten notes.  Two of my boys have great handwriting as does daughter, but one son has a very difficult handwriting and he prefers typing notes.  

@Nonametoday Welcome!🥰 I am really sorry to read of your MS.❤ and empathize with you, as I know all to WELL how cognitive issues can adversely affect one's life!❤ With your unique circumstance, it is the fact that you still send them by any method you can that matters most!❤ I think it is wonderful that you have your children write them as well.😊


I am wishing you well along your journey with MS!🥰


THANK you SO much for caring to share your story today!🤗



~~~All we need is LOVE💖