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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@Kitlynn wrote:

Yes I always send hand written thank you notes. I also write letters to family and friends. I have always done it and always will. There is nothing better than getting a note or a letter in the mail.

@Kitlynn Welcome!🥰 I could not AGREE more!😊 It is so nice to open a thank you card, and INSTANTLY puts a smile on your face!😁❤


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@MamaWick wrote:
I do. My children do. But I have a granddaughter who recently graduated from nursing school and needs to send one to out best friends for a very thoughtful gift they sent. She asked me to thank them and I said uhhhhh, no. She said she didn't have time but would try to get around to it. I'm incensed.

@MamaWick WOW! I would be frustrated with her indifference as well!! I seriously shake my head as I try to understand some of today's youth!😐 I think there would need to be a social media campaign to RETURN to sending them, or making it "cool" to do so for some of them to even consider it!😊


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@KailaS wrote:

Yes, I write and send notes, especially thank you notes and " thinking of you" notes. I wish younger members of my family would send notes, even texts, to say " thank you," but a 14 year old niece, who lives an hour away, announced in January that she did not understand having to use her time to send a " thank you" text because she was busy. Growl.  

@KailaS Welcome!🥰 I like that you write "thinking of you". It goes straight to the recipient's heart, instead of the trash!❤ This is yet another post regarding teenagers of today that leaves me shaking my head!😊


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

I send thank you notes as well as cards for those I know who are sick or have had a our Sunday School class.


I think it is rude (my opinion only) especially in our small class that a death is not ackowledged.  I don't know if others in the class do the same or not, and no one has ever acknowledged my cards...which I do not expect..but sometimes I have said to a person...thanks for the card, I appreciate it.

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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@monicakm wrote:



I have now totally transitioned, when possible, to online thank yous and invites. 

@monicakm Welcome!🥰 You are among good company as  SOO many people!😁 As I referenced in my initial post, I appreciate electronic gratitude, but the personal, cards just mean so much; especially if they are hand written!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@SandySparkles Great thread!  Yes, I was always taught to say "please", "thank you" and "you're welcome".  I retired two years ago and they had a party for me at the school.  I received many tokens of appreciation.  I sat down that night and wrote thank you notes to each person.  Some grade levels went in together on gifts but I wrote separate notes to each one individually.  I believe it is the least I can do for those who were so kind to me!Heart

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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

@Pandalady wrote:

@SandySparkles Great thread!  Yes, I was always taught to say "please", "thank you" and "you're welcome".  I retired two years ago and they had a party for me at the school.  I received many tokens of appreciation.  I sat down that night and wrote thank you notes to each person.  Some grade levels went in together on gifts but I wrote separate notes to each one individually.  I believe it is the least I can do for those who were so kind to me!Heart

@Pandalady Welcome!🥰 I think it was so thoughtful of you to give  hand written thank you notes to everyone!❤


THANK you SO much for caring to share today!🤗


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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

[ Edited ]


My oldest daughter always sends a thank you to me and everyone and has had her little 6 and 8 write thank yous too for presents. I always love her notes and also am always so happy and amazed to receive them.


She is my daughter and I know I taught all my children to write hand written thank yous.


But I've found today that many, my age also do a lot of their communication immediately through texts which also mean a lot to me and those who use them.


But for birthdays and major occasions, deaths and weddings, Chirstmas I always send a card.

I did send thank yous to everyone who wrote condolences when my mother died.


I've also appreciated so much when a friend sent me a card one or 2 times a month after an illness. I appreciated that so much. 


So maybe I will rethink my sending of cards for thank yous!


But despite what some say, so many are comfortable and appreciate and communicate through texts and emails today and that is so welcome too. However we communicate, it all matters, just so we know we are thinking of others and they are thinking about us.


And what I like about texts are they are spontaneous and instant. Like if I get flowers-the wonderful surprise-I like to send a picture of them and a thank you so much! And maybe later a card or for some who only communicate through text, I know that is what they like.


And phone calls are good too!



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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊



@on the bay @Pandalady @Mom2Dogs @Franklinbell 


Yes I do...

and it is thrilling to receive one also!

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Re: THANK YOU cards or notes, do you still send them?😊

[ Edited ]



When I was younger, I always did and raised my children (males and female) to do the same.  When I had MS, I developed some issues with my hands and my brain when I had MS.  I don't know why but I can type and can't write. I have equal difficulty printing. My signature is huge, the size of my whole check almost.  Typing is very different.  One does not have to use the fingers in the same way.  It seems to be a brain-finger coordination thing.  Not sure but my neurologists say they have had other experience the same. 


Now I make sure I send thank you notes that I type and enclose them in a "printed thank you note with my monogram" and someone addresses the envelopes for me.   


My children continue doing handwritten notes.  Two of my boys have great handwriting as does daughter, but one son has a very difficult handwriting and he prefers typing notes.