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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

Absolutely.   If you want to have equality with men than that applies to all.  Women cannot have it both ways, and most I do not believe would want to have a double standard after fighting for "centuries" for equality.

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

[ Edited ]

As @Mactective pointed out, if the draft were reinstated, the men who registered for Selective Service would not all be sent into battle, so neither would the women.  Those who are sent to battle must meet requirements, and both men and women would have to meet those physical requirements.  Just as there are Olympians who are both men and women, there are soldiers who are both, too.  Many disabilities can keep people from combat including bad knees, bad eyesight or a bad back.  Having a uterus is not a disability.  If you don't want your daughters and granddaughters going off to the desert, I suggest you think twice come November. 

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

They have to if they want to play in the NFL, NBA, NHL or MLB.

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?


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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

Of course, that's pretty much a no brainer.  If men are required to register for the draft then women would be required to register too.  And to serve, if they are called up.  Of course any regulations that let someone off would apply to men and women equally.  That's thing with don't get to pick and 

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

@chrystaltree wrote:

Of course, that's pretty much a no brainer.  If men are required to register for the draft then women would be required to register too.  And to serve, if they are called up.  Of course any regulations that let someone off would apply to men and women equally.  That's thing with don't get to pick and 

Virtually all exceptions to not serving should be closed off, such as student deferments.

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

@tansy wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

Of course, that's pretty much a no brainer.  If men are required to register for the draft then women would be required to register too.  And to serve, if they are called up.  Of course any regulations that let someone off would apply to men and women equally.  That's thing with don't get to pick and 

Virtually all exceptions to not serving should be closed off, such as student deferments.


       I agree with that.  Deferments should only be for health or disablity issues. 

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

@qualitygal wrote:

No, They can join anytime they want to if they meet the qualifications.

I absolutely agree.

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Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

15 june

this idea has been floating around since the 60's. I remember it was in while Vietnam was hot and heavy. I was a senior in high school and worried sick about this.


should women have to register NO NO NO NO NO NO and a double NO NO!!!!!!!!


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Should women have to register for the draft?

Yes, in this day and age, I believe women should have to register for Selective Service at age 18 just like men.