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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

I always offer a tip, it is up to the helper to take it or refuse.

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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

No one has ever helped me put anything into my car.  I do it myself.  The only thing I have trouble with is a cardboard case of six one gallon water bottles.


I just open the case and remove one gallon container and then I can lift it out of the cart and into my car, then replace the gallon.  I do the same in the store if I have to place the box into my cart.


I have occasionally been helped by other customers who see me trying to lift heavy items at my car.  My husband helps others as well.  I have never tipped anyone for carrying or lifting items.


I have also assisted people who need help getting items into their cars or lifting items on to the belt at the grocery store.  A simple thank you is good enough, IMO.


If you do a kindness and expect money, what's the good in that.  And, if you're getting paid to do a job, just do it.


I only tip waitstaff in sit down resturants. 

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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

I firmly believe that one should NOT tip people who simply help you out to your car. Period. Your "tip" is that you continue to shop there because there was good service. End of story. Tipping everyone for everything has totally gotten out of control! 

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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

I only tip at resturants unless the store's app asks for a tip;   If walmart delivers, walmart asks for a tip.

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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

At Walmart curbside pickup, if you leave good feedback and mention an employee by name, he/she will get some kind of bonus.

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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

Stores are required by law to provide assistance to people with disabilities which might include accompanying them around a store helping select and lift merchandise.  No tip should be expected for such service.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car


@ECBG wrote:

I only tip at resturants unless the store's app asks for a tip;   If walmart delivers, walmart asks for a tip.

@ECBG   Walmart uses mostly commercial delivery services like Grub Hub for its delivery service and the tip goes to the driver.  Apparently the divers select their deliveries and can see the tips offered when they pick up their orders.  Guess who gets the best and fastest service?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

To all elderly posters on this thread: it breaks my heart that you all feel you should tip thoughtful behavior.
I always look for elderly I can help in this way when I'm don't work in retail but I love to help someone who looks in need of help. I'll push that buggy and load those groceries for you. I'm glad to do it. I always make sure my Mom doesn't have to shop so I do it for her. When I see an a man or woman who looks like that could use help I always think of my Mom and Grandma, whom I loved/love dearly.
What if they have no children to help them? So I gladly do it because my Lord gave me a heart for it.
The fact that anyone helps to get a tip breaks my heart
If we had more people just helping for the sake of helping because helping is is a two -way blessing, our society would be a lot better off. I pray all of you will have someone put in your paths tomorrow that help just because it's a blessing to do so.
God bless each of you ❤️
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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

@AuntMame wrote:

Being of a certain age I've been increasingly relying on store employees to help me load heavy purchases into the car. In the past I always offered a tip to the helper, but it was invariably refused with "We can't accept tips" or "No, a tip is not necessary." Tips have been refused by employees at the local grocery stores, Menard's, and Ace Hardware stores. 


So I stopped carrying paper bills for tips. But yesterday I was at Target and after an employee helped me load heavy bags into the car in the car pickup area he appeared to hover about expectantly as if awaiting a tip. Alas, I had no paper money or I would have tipped him. 


Is tipping expected/permitted at Target? 


I rationalized that, well, it wasn't as if he pushed that heavy cart to my car through the parking garage. I had to maneuver the car through the crowded garage to get to the pickup area. All he had to do was to push the cart out the store door. 


What do you folks do about tipping in these circumstances? 




Good question.  Personally, I don't give much thought to which store does or doesn't. 


I always try to have at least three singles in an outside purse pocket, just in case, although sometimes they sit there for months before being used. 


However ...  It never fails, if I have no singles, I wish I did.  Woman LOL



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Re: Question about tipping when store employees help you get things to the car

[ Edited ]

Tipping for every little thing only teaches people to always expect something in return. A sincere 'thank you' should suffice. Kindness and consideration are their own reward.