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@PamelaSue72 wrote:

You're right about that, @AngusandBuddhasMom.


There are two articles about Pokemon Go in our local newspaper. One extols the virtues of the game, meaning that it's good to get outside, move around, talk to people, etc. The other article is in our Health section and it discusses doing stupid things while looking for the creatures: walking out in traffic, falling off your skateboard because you're not paying attention, getting lured into a PokeStop and then getting robbed (it seems that's really happening). 


There are people around here who have 90+ characters already. 


I'm going to download it during my lunch break today. I walk 3 miles during my lunch break; surely I should find something "out there". 



Wouldn't it be nice if we could all go outside together and look at and talk about the beautiful sky, the trees, flowers and nature instead of another video screen of inanimate objects.   JMO

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I saw two older teens (maybe 18 or 19) walking around with their phones in front of their face. 


The boy took a picture of something in front of a church and started jumping up and down because he got 100 points. 


Like I said on the other thread - complete waste of time.



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@bri20 wrote:

I saw two older teens (maybe 18 or 19) walking around with their phones in front of their face. 


The boy took a picture of something in front of a church and started jumping up and down because he got 100 points. 


Like I said on the other thread - complete waste of time.



Churches are where a lot of them are, for some reason.  There's a poor guy who lives in an old church in Massachusetts who keeps getting kids on his property.  

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Just yesterday, I was sitting by a front window.  Young woman in her twenties walking down the street across the street.   All of a sudden she dropped to a stooping position, placed her purse and bag down on the sidewalk, and began pointing her phone? toward a house across the street.  I was wondering if she was listening into a conversation?, or possibly breaking into a security code, or something similar.  Then, several minutes later, she got up, gathered her belongings, and continued walking.  It just 'dawned on me' today that she was possibly playing this pokomom

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At first I thought it was pronounced 'poke-a-mom'.   lol

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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@Hot Street wrote:


Wouldn't it be nice if we could all go outside together and look at and talk about the beautiful sky, the trees, flowers and nature instead of another video screen of inanimate objects.   JMO


And you are entitled to your opinion. I walk along a gorgeous creek and around a beauiful park in my neighborhood. It truly is lovely and I walk there pretty much every single weekday of my life when I'm at work. You're more than welcome to join me. Any time. Just know that I don't like blather and I'm more interested in walking completely by myself because it's the only time I truly have to myself. 


Meanwhile, I shall continue to do as I please while I am on my own walk and minding my own business.  Something few people seem to do. I'm more interested in my alone time than in listening to endless talk; I get enough talk at work.

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A giant scavenger hunt- sounds fun.

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For the most part, this sounds like harmless fun to me.   Probably a good thing for kids to be doing in the summer months.


That said, I take daily walks, in town, in parks, or on trails.  I also run errands, and I've never come across anyone who seems to be involved in this game. 


Do people sometimes get hurt when they leave their homes to do anything?   Hail, yes!  I've had falls, had my car broken into while I was on a hike, and more.   So some people have had unfortunate things happen to them while they were out taking part in this game.....   I'll bet for the overwhelming majority, it's a fun pastime and they're getting out and getting some exercise 

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No. No desire to play games. 

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@SharkE wrote:

just another app to download on your phone all about publicity .

somebody  is getting rich off this 'stuff'. Steven King alluded to this long time ago in one of his books. zombie people walking around talking on cellphones.   Nothing new.

Yep, just that. Or maybe it's life-changing for some people you don't think about, like this parent whose son as autism.