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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

Youtube comments can be an absolute cesspit of cruelty. Death and other violent threats are the worst of it. Stalking is a real problem. All the commenters are anonymous if they want to be, and the only moderation is what the youtuber performs herself. Even if she deletes hate comments, she still has to read them first. Filtering for obscene terms you don't want to see is a good idea too. Or just turning comments off.


Most criticism on Youtube is anything but constructive. It's just picking apart tiny flaws in the broadcaster, or taking a sentence out of context and then making a giant fake issue out of it.


If I were you, I would give her what she seems to need most: support. Even if she asks for feedback, I'd just give her encouragement to keep putting herself out there in the face of a lot of mean people. She will get better on her own over time. And plenty of other less-friendly people will point out all the things she's doing wrong.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

By opening themselves up to the public, they'll have to be able to handle the many personalities that will show up including those who will be vicious, who go for the negative gold because that is the way they roll.  Sorting out honest criticism intended to be helpful from the bottom feeding critics requires emotional maturity.  The onus is on the channel owner to decide what they want then ask or not ask for feedback then deal with their decision like an adult.  If they cannot handle helpful criticism, they shouldn't be asking for any feedback. 



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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@Porcelain Cesspool is exactly what troll behavior has created on YouTube; absolutely. 


But I'm not talking about the obvious snark, rude/crude language that happens because people are able to hide behind their keyboard. I'm talking about "Hey Porcelain, what do you think of this XYZ? I'm not sure if I should keep it but it was expensive and it's a hot item right now. It's all over Instagram!" and you reply with "I really don't like it. It's kinda, well, ugly".


And that I get ticked off and tell you to F off. Or block you. I asked you for your opinion but didn't like what you said and I got angry.


That's more of what I'm talking about (be it online or in person).

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@occasionalrain wrote:

@jackthebear  Thank you. Although I'm disappointed it wasn't Churchill, so fond of him, you have saved me from embarrassment in future and I appreciate it.

no worries . 


I am not sure he originated it, but it's attributed to him anyway 


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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

you cannot be on youtube and NOT expect people to tell the truth on how they feel about what they watched. if you just want your tush kissed then youtube is not the place for you, especially if you are trying to get a lot of followers.


i would venture to guess that there are virtually NO videos on youtube that are 100% liked.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@SahmIam wrote:

I have a dear friend whose daughter has a YouTube channel. As part of this channel, she asks for feedback "down below" at the end of a video. She deals with fashion, home and hearth and "hauls". Last night, dear friend called me to ask my opinion on the following:


do YouTubers who ask for feedback want the truth or tush kissing?



In my world, if you ask me for my opinion, I'm going to give it to you; you may not like what I have to say but YOU ASKED me for my opinion. Else, I don't say anything. I've had family and friends come to me and say 'WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" about something and I always respond with "you didn't ASK me". Dear friend knows this about me. But her question had me thinking: when people ask you for feedback or your opinion, do they want your honest opinion OR do they want you to simply tell them what they want to hear (be it honest or not) aka tush kissing?


Her daughter is VERY upset when there is ANY comment that isn't 100% positive or praising her for her content. I think that's completely unrealistic and yet, I do believe this is what most people want when they ask. I'm not talking about the obvious troll; I'm talking about wanting feedback on something and then getting upset when you don't hear what you want to hear. If that's the case and you're on YouTube, disable your comments or don't ask for feedback. 


As a follow-up: if you put yourself out there in the public eye and are looking to make money off of your channel/the public, you open yourself up to scrutiny.... Yes or no?





People who would ask my opinion already know I don't usually sugar coat my responses.  If I am asked by someone who may be just  fishing for a compliment, I ask them if they REALLY want my opinion, or are just looking for reassurance, and let their reply be my guide.


I once heard a phrase that can sum it up .....  "tell the truth with compassion".    I like that.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

Where do people post opinions? I watch a video and that is that. I have never seen anyone ask for an opinion? I never see any place to post comments

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

She better get used to the real world quick. Too many kids coddled anymore.

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@cherry On YouTube? You scroll down from the video and the comment box is there...UNLESS,it reads "Comments have been disabled for this video".

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Re: Opinions...truth or kissing tush?

@SahmIam  I watch it on my TV and if you scroll down, you find a lot of other videos, not discusion, I might be using it wrong I don't know?