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Re: ~~*Oh Miss Madi!*~~

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~A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words~
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Re: ~~*Oh Miss Madi!*~~

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If it has been removed, why is the thread still available for postings?


Seems as if it has been used for a select group and their personal messages. I'm not sure any other , or all gamers ever felt it was for their use as well.  I surely didn't.




Thought that went against Community Standards in the first place from the beginning ? Smiley Sad

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Back seat driver


Hi Gaming Friends,   Had a quiet and lazy Sunday.   DD and GDs drove home,  leaving DS's home about 8:30 am and arriving at their home in Missouir at about 3:10 am.  19 hours on the road.   I couldn't have done that.   We tried to get her to stop and spend the night in either Tennesee or Kentucky.   She had a 3 hour traffic delay a bit south of Atlanta.  56 miles in 3 hours.   She was fit to be tied, as it was a Saturday afternoon, not rush hour on a weekday.  

Another friend from here had comments today about the traffic in Atlanta as she was driving her kids up to a summer camp in north Georgia.  


Dee,  I saw that Brew had posted on a different forum a couple of days ago, so maybe she'll find the Games forum and play again.  Some other old timers are still missing and I hope they come back too.  


Have a great start to the new week,  Everyone. 

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Possum - I love the cat in the car photo.


I too really miss Brew - I sure hope she finds us soon!


Hope all is well with you.  I am doing pretty well since DH passed.  I am keeping busy with church activities and several trips to DE to visit GDs.  Grace has spent a week with me a time or two and I love having her.  Can't take both since the younger one is autistic and can be quite a handful at times.  My brother also visits and we go out quite frequently and my neighbor (who lost her DH also) and I get together and go out to dinner.


Have a wonderful day!



Every perfect gift is from above.
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Re: ~~*Oh Miss Madi!*~~

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Разнообразные розы, тюльпаны, гехеры и гортензии, жасмин, сирень и другие цветы и кустарники для сада Вашей мечты! Садовый Центр - Дубрава.


Hi Judy,   I am sorry to hear that your DH passed.   I know how your life has changed as it's been over 15 years since my DH went Home.  I am glad you have things to help keep you busy and that you are getting out.  It's great that Grace gets to spend time with and also your younger little one.  


I am hoping that a lot of posters who haven't yet posted or played since the 'redo' of the boards, come back.   It's hard at first to 'get' all the changes.  I hope Brew does get back here.   Lots of the old game are history it seems.   Some of my favorites are still there though.  I don't play as much.   I keep busy with things at my son's and then when I go back home to Missouri.   


Take care and have a nice Wednesday.  

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Hi Everyone...We had 2-Days of 90*F weather Yikes!  Getting a Cool front in Tonight the current Temp is 76*F. It will be about 84*F for the next few days...Saturday looks good at 76*F for day & 57*F Night.  Stay Cool!


MissMadi...So Nice to Hear from you!

Possummink...Cute Cat In CarCat LOL




~A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words~
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Hi Everyone ~~ 

It's been awhile since I stopped by to say "hey" so here I am.  We've been a little busy as the GS's are in from La.   Today was a beautiful day and we spent the whole day with them.  We took them to lunch, school shopping and out to dinner.  They love to go to Ditka's so we always like to treat them when they are here.  It was a busy day but it couldn't have been any more perfect.  They start back to school Aug. 4th so they are all set.  


Marlo ~~ It's always good hearing from you also.  I look forward to keeping in touch.  


MK ~~ Thanks for the info on brew.  Maybe one of these days one of us will catch her when she is on the Q or the place where you saw her post.


 I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a relaxing Sunday.  Take care!



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Posts: 2,026
Registered: ‎09-30-2012

Hi Everyone...The weather has been Nice this weekend but we are getting Rain & thunderstorms on Sunday & A HEAT-Wave ALL Next week with 90*F Yikes! Hazy-Hot-Humid-Horrible!


MissMadi...Welcome back!  So Nice that your GS are Visiting & having so much Fun before they go back to school...they go back early August 4th.  Cute Dog & CatCat LOL


~A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words~