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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

[ Edited ]

Having many nurse friends and a few in my family, I can say with certainty that none of them would have filmed themselves and then put it on social media when a patient of theirs had died.  They would consider what this nurse did unprofessional.  They talk about it amongst themselves in private and get support from their co-workers, but put it out there for everyone to see is just attention seeking and wrong.

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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

@Rockycoast wrote:

Having many nurse friends and a few in my family, I can say with certainly that none of them would have filmed themselves and then put it on social media when a patient of theirs had died.  They would consider what this nurse did unprofessional.  They talk about it amongst themselves in private and get support from their co-workers, but put it out there for everyone to see is just attention seeking and wrong.

Did you happen to see one of the millions of social media posts from nurses during the pandemic? I have nurse friends too, who are still working. Two of them would post a blurb at the end of their shifts. Sometimes they cried over the multiple deaths they encountered in their 12 hour day.

They aren't attention seekers. They arent unprofessional. They are heroes.

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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

What was her purpose for doing this? Is this the first patient she worked with who died? If not, has she posted her reaction to every patient that had died? If not, then why only this one?


I am VERY cynical when it comes to people posting things on social media. I find the majority of them to be done at the expense of someone else's misfortune...I despise that. As for posting stuff about yourself, why do you have such a need as to expose yourself to the world/complete strangers? 


Bizarre and no, I won't be wasting my time watching it.

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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

@JamandBread wrote:

@Rockycoast wrote:

Having many nurse friends and a few in my family, I can say with certainly that none of them would have filmed themselves and then put it on social media when a patient of theirs had died.  They would consider what this nurse did unprofessional.  They talk about it amongst themselves in private and get support from their co-workers, but put it out there for everyone to see is just attention seeking and wrong.

Did you happen to see one of the millions of social media posts from nurses during the pandemic? I have nurse friends too, who are still working. Two of them would post a blurb at the end of their shifts. Sometimes they cried over the multiple deaths they encountered in their 12 hour day.

They aren't attention seekers. They arent unprofessional. They are heroes.

Sorry @JamandBread but true heros don't draw attention to themselves, especially on social media.

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

IMO anyone who posts on TikTok wants attention. That's the reason Tik Tok exists: to gain followers. 


If the nurse feels better posting this, it's her choice. But I don't buy the idea that they're not attention seekers. 

"The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog."

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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

@Jacie wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:

@Rockycoast wrote:

Having many nurse friends and a few in my family, I can say with certainly that none of them would have filmed themselves and then put it on social media when a patient of theirs had died.  They would consider what this nurse did unprofessional.  They talk about it amongst themselves in private and get support from their co-workers, but put it out there for everyone to see is just attention seeking and wrong.

Did you happen to see one of the millions of social media posts from nurses during the pandemic? I have nurse friends too, who are still working. Two of them would post a blurb at the end of their shifts. Sometimes they cried over the multiple deaths they encountered in their 12 hour day.

They aren't attention seekers. They arent unprofessional. They are heroes.

Sorry @JamandBread but true heros don't draw attention to themselves, especially on social media.

Maybe 30 years ago.

The new HEROES are younger people who take care of us old people and they use Tik Tok. Maybe be sure to request a 75 year old nurse the next time you're unfortunate enough to be in the hospital or ER.

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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

@JamandBread wrote:

@Jacie wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:

@Rockycoast wrote:

Having many nurse friends and a few in my family, I can say with certainly that none of them would have filmed themselves and then put it on social media when a patient of theirs had died.  They would consider what this nurse did unprofessional.  They talk about it amongst themselves in private and get support from their co-workers, but put it out there for everyone to see is just attention seeking and wrong.

Did you happen to see one of the millions of social media posts from nurses during the pandemic? I have nurse friends too, who are still working. Two of them would post a blurb at the end of their shifts. Sometimes they cried over the multiple deaths they encountered in their 12 hour day.

They aren't attention seekers. They arent unprofessional. They are heroes.

Sorry @JamandBread but true heros don't draw attention to themselves, especially on social media.

Maybe 30 years ago.

The new HEROES are younger people who take care of us old people and they use Tik Tok. Maybe be sure to request a 75 year old nurse the next time you're unfortunate enough to be in the hospital or ER.

Wow. FYI there are heros of all ages and I just got out of the hospital, I got great care from a great group of people who were of all ages.  Frankly there is no room for arrogance in the medical field. Your agism is showing. You seem to forget that people can choose a profession, they can leave just as easily. 

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

[ Edited ]

I don't think containing or denying honest emotions is necessarily the issue. You express them in an appropriate and private venue, you don't broadcast them out there for anyone watching to see. It seems disingenuous. For some people, social media has made the entire world their theater.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

@Jacie wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:

@Jacie wrote:

@JamandBread wrote:

@Rockycoast wrote:

Having many nurse friends and a few in my family, I can say with certainly that none of them would have filmed themselves and then put it on social media when a patient of theirs had died.  They would consider what this nurse did unprofessional.  They talk about it amongst themselves in private and get support from their co-workers, but put it out there for everyone to see is just attention seeking and wrong.

Did you happen to see one of the millions of social media posts from nurses during the pandemic? I have nurse friends too, who are still working. Two of them would post a blurb at the end of their shifts. Sometimes they cried over the multiple deaths they encountered in their 12 hour day.

They aren't attention seekers. They arent unprofessional. They are heroes.

Sorry @JamandBread but true heros don't draw attention to themselves, especially on social media.

Maybe 30 years ago.

The new HEROES are younger people who take care of us old people and they use Tik Tok. Maybe be sure to request a 75 year old nurse the next time you're unfortunate enough to be in the hospital or ER.

Wow. FYI there are heros of all ages and I just got out of the hospital, I got great care from a great group of people who were of all ages.  Frankly there is no room for arrogance in the medical field. Your agism is showing. You seem to forget that people can choose a profession, they can leave just as easily. 

How many of your nurses were 70?

Nursing is for younger people. Younger people grew up with social media and they use it.

Therefore, chances are, a good percentage of your care came from people who use social media. While they were caring for you.

There are plenty of arrogant doctors. Always has been, though now, with younger people dominating the field, that arrogance is no longer tolerated.


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Re: Nurse is catching slack for her tik tok video....

@chrystaltree  @Iwantcoffee 


   I have been an RN close to 40 yrs . You miss the point , this Nurse and others filmed at work . I can tell you , that I am in the profession and that is not professional.  Thos Nurse made it abt herself . Also ,  filming herself took time away from her caring for a living patient . Hospitals are short staffed .

This Nurse could have filmed at home, however maybe  forming support / coping group for Nurses where she works maybe  a better way to help herself and others