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Funny I was just thinking that the reaction to the tragedy of the child who died in the lagoon at Disney and the reaction to the story of the child who entered the gorilla compound at the zoo in Ohio were so completely different and I came across a story in the on line USA Today edition talking about that very thing.  Several alligators have been killed in Orlando in a effort to,find the alligator who grabbed the child but hardly a peep about it on social media.  No petitions wanting to see the parents charged for neglect.  No one in front of Disney World picketing about innocent alligators being killed.   Quite a different reaction.  Guess there is no love for the alligators.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

I too noticed the difference in reactions - makes no sense to me as it seems the child in both cases was perhaps where they should not have been. Let a 2 year old stand in water where alligators are? Do not think so.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

[ Edited ]

I was thinking the very same thing.


No calls for the other child to be taken away from the parents.


No cries that the parents should be in jail for "allowing" this to happen.


No cries that the parents should pay Disney for the value of the slaughtered gators, and for the search crews.


None of the things that were said about the mother whose little boy snuck inside of the gorilla enclosure, have been said about these parents.


VERY telling.



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Re: No love for the gators ?

@KathyPet wrote:

Funny I was just thinking that the reaction to the tragedy of the child who died in the lagoon at Disney and the reaction to the story of the child who entered the gorilla compound at the zoo in Ohio were so completely different and I came across a story in the on line USA Today edition talking about that very thing.  Several alligators have been killed in Orlando in a effort to,find the alligator who grabbed the child but hardly a peep about it on social media.  No petitions wanting to see the parents charged for neglect.  No one in front of Disney World picketing about innocent alligators being killed.   Quite a different reaction.  Guess there is no love for the alligators.

....and no digging into the background of the parents of the zoo event, and blaming both parents, even though the father wasn't even at the zoo with them that day. 


Along with no love for the alligators, I have a contrary and sad thought about the reason for the difference in the reactions.  But I'll leave it.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

Such a difference between the endangered gorillas and the population of alligators roaming Florida that need to be culled to keep from overrunning the state.  Two completely different animals, literally...

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Re: No love for the gators ?

One - a child fell into an enclosure where an endangered animal was kept in captivity 

One - an animal freely came into space that was allocated for safe use by humans


I'm unable to share the confusion over the two events.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

I think it shows how social media can rile a situation up and cause otherwise normal people to take on a pack mentality.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

There are lots of gators while Silver Backs are rare. The less of anything there is, the more people value it. Perhaps that's why people have become less valued, argument against over population. When a child dies, it's always made mention when the child was the parent's only one. 

Rarity is most valued, beauty comes in second. No one cares that, plentiful or ugly, they still want to live, deserve to live.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

I saw the difference but it would seem that in the case of the gorilla he was in a cage for a reason.  His space is not to be invaded by the fact there is a separation and it is a zoo.  No one would think to question that the animals in a cage would be safe for anyone to engage.  Don't really need a sign..DON'T GO INTO THE CAGE. UNDERSTOOD!!!


In the case of the alligator, this was a resort.  The family was not from the area, not aware or even made aware why there was a no swimming sign.  They were on the beach within a few feet of an uncaged CREATURE  that was free to roam at will.  The whole set up, atmosphere, was inviting.  Who would know that an alligator would venture into fun spot with human activity.  


I am araid of water.  I never would have gotten close.  But families are programmed to think that Disney is magical. and this vacation was something they were excited about.  Who would think anything like this would happen at DISNEY!


Perception and lack of caution at Disney.  And poor judgment at the Zoo which is more likely to look like deglect.  


Tragedy all around.

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Re: No love for the gators ?

I'll be glad when school starts late Aug. around here. Teachers watch 'em better then the people who gave birth to 'em.