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New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

I’ve come to a point in my life where, due to a set of circumstances beyond my control, I eat about 8 bites of something (whatever it is) and am completely stuffed and can’t eat another bite. No, I have not had any type of stomach surgery.


I very much enjoy dining out (lunch), it’s one of life’s pleasures for me as a retiree. But now I’ll be out and about and when I go to have a meal, I’m not always in a position to go right home and stick a doggie bag in my fridge, so about half the time the rest of my “meal” (often just an appetizer) goes to waste and that bothers me. I occasionally think of putting blue ice and a soft cooler in my car before I go out, but that’s more pre-planning than I really want to do routinely, to be honest.


Any other “can only eat a few bites” people out there? I’m sure those who have had weight loss surgery have this issue. My stomach has just shrunk, but it wasn’t by artificial means.


What do you do in this situation, especially if it’s going to be so long before you get home that you’re afraid the food will go bad. They say, no more than an hour. I’ve stretched it slightly farther in cool weather, but wouldn’t stretch any more than that.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

Can you put a cooler in your car for left overs?

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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

I would just grab a bit to eat at home to hold me over until my errands were done.  Then I would go for a late lunch.


Or carry a “ pack it”. You store the pack it in your freezer.  When you need it, you just take it with you.  It will keep your food cold and you do not have to bother with blue ice.

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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

I always have my Trader Joe's insulated bag in my trunk.  If I think I might need to keep something cold for a while, I throw an ice pack into it before I go out.


Yes, restaurant portions are too big and most of us don't want to waste food.  Just ask for a takeout container.  

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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

at the dollar store I bought one of those freezer bags (look like aluminum but some type of teflar material). The bag says "hot/cold" -- I keep this in my trunk in my organizer.


It does fine keeping things for a couple of hours (and I'm in FL).  On hot days I keep in back seat vs trunk.  No problems that I have experienced.  I also have a nice cooler bag I bought I Publix (zippers & insulated $3.99) when it's super hot I use this one.


I never have to remember to bring it because they are always in my trunk.


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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

order from the kid's menu

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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!


Can you put a cooler in your car for left overs?



@cherry I mentioned that in my OP. It’s the only thing I can think of to do, but honestly I don’t really want to put ice and a cooler in my car every time I go out. Some days it isn’t necessary, and I don’t always have my day and where/what I’m going to eat planned in advance - that kinda spoils any spontaneity involved.


I never thought I’d EVER have this problem, believe me! Not really complaining, but wish I wasn’t wasting food :-(

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!

I keep my lock and lock insulated tote in the car in case we make any stops on the way home and there are leftovers. We also keep WM insulated bags in the car too.

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Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!


I’ve come to a point in my life where, due to a set of circumstances beyond my control, I eat about 8 bites of something (whatever it is) and am completely stuffed and can’t eat another bite. No, I have not had any type of stomach surgery.


I very much enjoy dining out (lunch), it’s one of life’s pleasures for me as a retiree. But now I’ll be out and about and when I go to have a meal, I’m not always in a position to go right home and stick a doggie bag in my fridge, so about half the time the rest of my “meal” (often just an appetizer) goes to waste and that bothers me. I occasionally think of putting blue ice and a soft cooler in my car before I go out, but that’s more pre-planning than I really want to do routinely, to be honest.


Any other “can only eat a few bites” people out there? I’m sure those who have had weight loss surgery have this issue. My stomach has just shrunk, but it wasn’t by artificial means.


What do you do in this situation, especially if it’s going to be so long before you get home that you’re afraid the food will go bad. They say, no more than an hour. I’ve stretched it slightly farther in cool weather, but wouldn’t stretch any more than that.

@Moonchilde  I often get hungry between meals and keep a few low carb, low fat protein bars in a ziplock bag in my purse. That tides me over so I don’t have to stop for a bite if not ready for a meal. Hope that helps.


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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: New (for me) Eating Out Issue - Too Much Food!


order from the kid's menu



Restaurants pretty much don’t allow that in my experience. And if they did, I don’t want a hot dog or boxed mac & cheese, the typical choices.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all