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I only use it for local and international news updates .... between Facebook and the QVC forums, I find out things before I hear it on CNN or FOX~!


PS:  When my 'friends' feel the need to post every meal they eat 'out' -or- show the world their tanned bodies lying near the sandy shore, I chuckle and think .... why?

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Yes, I have a few fb accounts, mainly for business, but my personal one only has a few close friends from high school, family, etc..

In my personal account, I've entered the settings to a stricter standard than my business ones, which are set to a public profile. I get some information coming through my feed from "friends of friends", but if it gets out of hand, I just "unfollow" the friend and check in now and then. You can actually set up a fb account so only you can see anything you post, I know a few people that do this...why, I'm not sure, bcz anything you post on fb is "out there", whether you declare it private or not.


Sounds like your main problem @Shanus is your notifications. You likely have them set to notify you whenever someone wants to "friend" you and whatever they and their "friends" post. Adjust your notifications in the settings. You can actually adjust them somthat you get no notifications, only some from _______, or notifications for everything. You can also use an email account that you don't access much (I have an email just for the facebook junk) and that cuts down on the nonsense.

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@Shelbelle wrote:

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@cotton4me wrote:

I don't have one.  I know it's popular but it never appealed to me.  I email family/friends directly with messages or photos. 

Same for me.

Me too, no interest in FB.

We are in touch with people who are part of our lives.  Why would I want to know about a bunch of people I haven't seen in 30 years, and who have never contacted us or tried to remain in touch?  What's the point of that? 


Sorry but I don't really get it. I have an alias account for my personal interests, but I don't use it for "real" people.  Too many pitfalls there for my taste.  I don't want to not friend a lot of people who might request it; but don't want them as "friends" either.  So I just avoid the issue!  LOL!!!

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I think some people might be under the mis-impression that FB means you have to have social interaction. Not so. You can set up an account and be completely anonymous. I set up an account with an alias and no personal information so that I have access to sites, play internet games, and look people up if I so choose. If strangers appear on my page or request to "friend" me, I just ignore it. What's the big deal?

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i'm finding very ironic that some posters repeatedly trash Facebook because of invasion of privacy issues. These are the same posters that come here and freely give every little detail of their lives, thoughts, and beliefs here. I understand the anonymity of these boards but it's quite hypocritical in my book. Are they ashamed of their beliefs or actions that they don't want anyone they know to know about them. I just don't get it. If you are willing to say something here, why are you appalled or frightened at it being under your real name?

'I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man'.......Unknown
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[ Edited ]

@SaRina wrote:

I think some people might be under the mis-impression that FB means you have to have social interaction. Not so. You can set up an account and be completely anonymous. I set up an account with an alias and no personal information so that I have access to sites, play internet games, and look people up if I so choose. If strangers appear on my page or request to "friend" me, I just ignore it. What's the big deal?



Most people don't do this. They let the world/whoever runs FB see who all their friends, family, and coworkers are.They have pictures, locations, where they work,  colleges, vacations, pets, children, birthdates and what they ate for lunch. You can never truly erase it, once it's there. Even when you change your mind on what your write, FB saves it somewhere. Even if you have private settings one of "your friends" can copy/paste your thoughts for the world to see. FB says thanks!

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[ Edited ]


Their advice was spot on.

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no FB for me. No need; anyone I want to know what I'm doing, I'll just tell them. Everyone else can MYOB.

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Registered: ‎05-23-2011

@reiki604 wrote:

i'm finding very ironic that some posters repeatedly trash Facebook because of invasion of privacy issues. These are the same posters that come here and freely give every little detail of their lives, thoughts, and beliefs here. I understand the anonymity of these boards but it's quite hypocritical in my book. Are they ashamed of their beliefs or actions that they don't want anyone they know to know about them. I just don't get it. If you are willing to say something here, why are you appalled or frightened at it being under your real name?

Excellent points @reiki604

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson