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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

The way it sounds are stating that more than one place does the same thing and you are consistently being over charged.


That is a loss you won't accept.  So wouldn't the extra cost going to a butcher be worth it? And IMHO, you get fresher and better meat.


In your book, you are losing money.  At a butcher shop, you will be paying for exactly what you receive.

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

I always wondered if the pad under the meat is included in as the total "weight" of the meat because when you open the package and take the meat out, the pad has weight to it.

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

Is your scale accurate? Take it to the store and have the meat weighed on their scale first  and then weigh it on your scale. Show them what you see.

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

[ Edited ]

@caroln242 @I think you're on to something. I think consumers are not getting what they paid for and no one is complaining because no one has been checking. They also inject meat and poultry with liquids which jack up the weight. Does the USDA regulate this? Do they care? Is there another agency that regulates this? You might want to contact news agencies if you want to being this into the public eye. Thank you for letting me know about this.


@caroln242 Infound this.


@caroln242 and this, which states that weight may vary.

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

@Mindy D wrote:

@caroln242 @I think you're on to something. I think consumers are not getting what they paid for and no one is complaint because no one has been checking. They also inject meat and poultry with liquids which jack up the weight. Does the USDA regulate this? Do they care? Is there another agency that regulates this? You might want to contact news agencies if you want to being this into the public eye. Thank you for letting me know about this.

Thanks for your comment!  Maybe there's a consumer watch dog group out there.  I never thought about that.  I have no "proof" of being shorted meat other than my digital scale which hasn't been inspected or verified except for me weighing a pound of butter, which was right on the money!

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

You must have too much time on your hands to weigh the meat you purchase.  I've never even thought of doing such a thing.  

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

A few companies have already been fined and sued for this.  McDonalds is one business that comes to mind with their Quarter Pounders being less than 4 oz.


This is stealing from consumers.  It might only be an ounce here and an ounce there, but it adds up to millions in a year's time.


This needs to stop.  This is why Class Action lawsuits exist.


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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

@caroln242 wrote:

I've been weighing hamburger and breakfast sausage packages for months and I found that they consistently weigh less than what is stated on the label.  I reported one sausage company to my state Dept. of Agriculture Weights and Measures division and got some song and dance about tare weight versus gross weight, etc.  I don't care what they say, if the package says NET weight 16 ounces, I expect to have bought 1 pound of meat.


I quit buying hamburger in the plastic roll because a couple times I found half of it fat.  I decided I would buy the more expensive package of store wrapped hamburger, thinking I wouldn't get ripped off, weight-wise.  Well, today I came home with a pound of hamburger, opened it up, slapped it on my digital scale.  It was 1.25 ounces short of a pound.  I put the packaging on top of the meat and it registered a tidge over 1 pound.  So much for the label saying NET weight 16 ounces.  And I really don't think a whole 1.25 ounce of "fluid" leaked into the tray pad.


I haven't weighed all of the meat I bring home, but I imagine I'm also getting ripped off when buying roasts, chicken, and chops.


Can you imagine how much money the stores are saving by ripping off millions of customers an ounce at a time?  And complaining seems to get nothing done about it.


I suppose I could go to the butcher shop for certain meats, but the added cost (they are always more expensive) doesn't seem to make sense.


Sorry for the rant.  I just hate getting ripped off.




You are planning to tell this to the grocery retailer, I hope?   


If they are selling  anything improperly described or labeled, there's a legal liability that I am SURE they would want to know about .... I hope you have some "evidence" and documentation .... you'd being doing all of us a favor. 


IMO, this is one situation where it is appropriate to make a stink about the discrepancies.  

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

If this is happening I don't care if it's a one ounce discrepency or a one pound discrepency. They shouldn't be doing this, and if they are, think of all of the extra money they're making with all of the packages of meat sold daily. Funny, I wonder why it's a few ounces under and not over? It sounds like it's done purposely.

OP, Next time you're at the store, take a random package of meat out of the pre-packaged meat case and take it to the butcher counter to have it weighed in front of you.

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Re: Less meat in package than stated on label

It is happening with everything. Cake mixes & Ice cream are smaller same price. This is only 2 examples.