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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

I leave maybe three to four feet at a drive through....a little more at the bank. Most of the people I see do as well


I sometimes pick up my granddaughter from school.  Cars start arriving early and the cars in the back have to wait in line on a public highway at a stop sign in two different directions. The early birds queue up on school property.


This creates a problem and cars that are passing by and pulling into the school's drive way have to carefully go around the line of cars at the stop sign waiting for an opportunity to get in the queue.


I usually am one of the last cars on school property.  I can see all of the cars in front of me ( curved driveway) and usually notice that many cars do not pull forward and leave up to three car lengths between them and the car in front of them.  When a couple of cars do this, it creates more problems for those still waiting off school property on the public roads.


Last year, I left my spot in line and passed everyone on their left and found a place in the front of the line in a vacant space left by someone not pulling forward.The car that was now behind me starting honking and the woman was screaming at me.  I just ignored her.  It didn't help or change things. The  cars continued to leave a large space between them the next day.


I just don't get this mentality and don't understand the need to hog up a couple of spaces.




@CarmieI think you were trying to control the line and pulled a stunt to "prove a point" which proved nothing.


Did you really think everyone was watching you and thinking "Tomorrow I won't hog a space?"


If I saw somebody pull that stunt I would think the person was impatient and rude.


How important was this?

Well, it's very important to me and to others who are waiting in the street.  It Is not fun sitting at an intersection with a three way stop sign with 20 or more cars lined up in two directions.  It is especially bad when a car needs to go through the stop sign because they are not going into the school.  I have held my breath a few times at near accidents.


The school has advised parents and those picking up children to queue up in an orderly fashion and not leave 20 feet between the cars.  Sometimes patents pick up more than one child and will leave these large gaps for up to 5 minutes until all the kids are there. When two or more cars do this...and they do, it really causes problems.


Some of the children walk off school property into the public road to find their ride.  They are not allowed to do this, but if someone isn't there that day to stop them, they do it.  I have seen them walk through deep snow covered grass in sneakers to catch their ride.


Really, I don't care if anyone thought I was inpatient and rude.  I do not have all day to wait in a line that is not moving because someone sits there and won't pull forward as they are supposed to do. I was not trying to control the line.  The people who would not pull forward were doing that.  Somehow I think they get some kind of satisfaction making people wait on the public street while they hog up the space on school property. The same people do this everyday.


I am very old school.  I believe as adults we should do as requested by the school.  Those people who do as they wish think they are entitled.  On that particular day, my granddaughter had an after school appointment and we would be late if I had waited in a line because I was in a line too far back to pick her up,only because people would not pull forward.


I am always there 20 minutes before pick-up time and I have been there 30 minutes early when I have been out running errands.  You would think that I'd be one of the first cars there, but I am not.  


I could go on and on about the crazy things parents do at this particular school.  I have never seen such drama from adults. They are worse than children.  That's for another thread though.


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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@SeaMaiden wrote:

@Still Raining wrote:

Have not been to a drive through in forever.  In general you should leave enough room to be able to leave the line and/or see the rear tires.  Not sure that you can block a road just to get in line.

Never go through a drive through.  Do not eat or drink that junk.

@SeaMaiden.  We use the drive thru at the bank. Usually for the ATM. It’s so much easier than having to park and go in the bank.

@proudlyfromNJ   Oh the Bank... always go inside for all my transactions... never drive through or use ATM,s

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

Honestly until this thread I never gave it much thought.  Most of the drive thrus we frequent are self contained on the business property and don't get that backed up.  If any line is that backed up, its quicker and less aggrevating for me to park and go inside.


From reading the posts, I realize that in the future it will be a good idea to leave enough distance in front of me to be able to pull out in the event of an emergency.

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

I find that people who do not pull up are just plain rude.  Come on how many times has a car stalled or an emergency occured while waiting in line at a drive thru. Backing traffic up, preventing people from ordering or paying for the order slows down the whole line.  Pay attention and pull up.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.
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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

I see your point of advancing forward at the school.  The other individuals should advance when the opportunity presents.  It is not like they are waiting in line to for service or get into an event.  The school should post signs reminding people to pull forward.

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

[ Edited ]

Our DD is off a 4 lane highway.  It is a complete pain in the mornings because the cars end up stopped in the right lane of that highway, waiting to turn in and everyone in the right lane behind them has to go around them.  In that instance, the cars should all be pulled up as close as they can be to prevent a traffic jam on the highway.


What bugs me more in self-contained lines are people who get on their cell phones and don't realize all the cars in front of them have moved through and they are next in line to get to the window but they are sitting there.  That happened not long ago when I was getting my coffee at Starbucks.  The woman was diddling on her phone. The employee was hanging out the window trying to get her attention to move up because there were several cars behind her.  Finally, I gave her a light blow of the horn and she flipped me off.  I just started to laugh and shook my head.     

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

@Carmie wrote:

Well, it's very important to me and to others who are waiting in the street.  It Is not fun sitting at an intersection with a three way stop sign with 20 or more cars lined up in two directions.  It is especially bad when a car needs to go through the stop sign because they are not going into the school.  I have held my breath a few times at near accidents.


The school has advised parents and those picking up children to queue up in an orderly fashion and not leave 20 feet between the cars.  Sometimes patents pick up more than one child and will leave these large gaps for up to 5 minutes until all the kids are there. When two or more cars do this...and they do, it really causes problems.


Some of the children walk off school property into the public road to find their ride.  They are not allowed to do this, but if someone isn't there that day to stop them, they do it.  I have seen them walk through deep snow covered grass in sneakers to catch their ride.


Really, I don't care if anyone thought I was inpatient and rude.  I do not have all day to wait in a line that is not moving because someone sits there and won't pull forward as they are supposed to do. I was not trying to control the line.  The people who would not pull forward were doing that.  Somehow I think they get some kind of satisfaction making people wait on the public street while they hog up the space on school property. The same people do this everyday.


I am very old school.  I believe as adults we should do as requested by the school.  Those people who do as they wish think they are entitled.  On that particular day, my granddaughter had an after school appointment and we would be late if I had waited in a line because I was in a line too far back to pick her up,only because people would not pull forward.


I am always there 20 minutes before pick-up time and I have been there 30 minutes early when I have been out running errands.  You would think that I'd be one of the first cars there, but I am not.  


I could go on and on about the crazy things parents do at this particular school.  I have never seen such drama from adults. They are worse than children.  That's for another thread though.


@Carmie, I don't have children but I swear when school starts, not a day goes by that I don't see friends of mine that do have children complaining about the drop-off and pick-up lines at school and how ridiculous some of the drivers are and how they refuse to follow the rules.


It sounds like the school needs to put someone out there to direct traffic through the lanes. 

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

@Lipstickdiva   I agree.  Most of the time, the principal and one teacher is out there, but there are so many things going on at once.  They can't handle everything.


I am on the school's call list.  A few times a week, the school calls with announcements and they leave a message on my phone.  Some of the things they have to address are shocking to me.  I just shake my head in disbelief.


My granddaughter started high school this year and today is going to be my first time picking her up.  Hopefully, all this nonsense will over with.  Anyway, the HS drive way is much longer and wider, so no one will have to be out on the highway while waiting.

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

I find that people who do not pull up are just plain rude.  Come on how many times has a car stalled or an emergency occured while waiting in line at a drive thru. Backing traffic up, preventing people from ordering or paying for the order slows down the whole line.  Pay attention and pull up.

I noticed you posted directly after me where I indicated that I was going to start leaving more space in front of my car.  Until reading this post, I was one of those people right on the back bumper of the car in front of me.  I just want to clarify, I am not talking about leaving so much room that it would be detrimental to those waiting behind me; but just enough that I could maneuver my car out of line.

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Re: In a drive thru how close do you get the car....

The police should ticket those blocking the highway and stop sign. It's the schools responsibility to provide a pickup location somewhere on school property. There is no reason children need retrieved at the door. Park, get out of your car and wait by the door if concerned for a younger child.

If it matters, I picked up my child and her friends every school day.