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@MarnieRez3 wrote:
Oh I LOVE that name Spencer!!! That would be such a gift to the Spencer family. What a great tribute to Diana that would be.
Harry looks so thrilled! A joyous day! It WOULD be lovely to include the name "Charles" as his middle name, or one of the five names they always give the royals, as I agree, Charles was so welcoming to both Meghan and her mother Doria.

i am reminded of the stinging speech Diana's brother, a Spencer, delivered at D's funeral.  i wonder if that period is best left to history.


doesn't Meghan have any family names?  maybe Dorian  - as a variation of her mother's name.

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Love your post! You made me get teary over my morning coffee! Agreed...Grandma Diana is smiling from above.
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"If you really want to shock the world unleash your kindness"
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Oh my dear, you are killing me here! Now I'm crying into my coffee! I remember waking up at the crack of dawn to watch Diana's wedding. Now we have come full circle. ❤
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If we hear ONE negative word from Meghan's wacko half-sister or that miserable Markle father who sold out to the tabloids, I will be furious! Keep them away from this new baby!
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@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:


If only she were there.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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I can't wait to see the 1st photo and hear the official names! 


The video of Harry announcing the baby is really cute. I wish them well. Now...does the media give a month or 2 before they start the "when are they having baby #2???"  

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@ms traditional wrote:

@MarnieRez3 wrote:
Oh I LOVE that name Spencer!!! That would be such a gift to the Spencer family. What a great tribute to Diana that would be.
Harry looks so thrilled! A joyous day! It WOULD be lovely to include the name "Charles" as his middle name, or one of the five names they always give the royals, as I agree, Charles was so welcoming to both Meghan and her mother Doria.

i am reminded of the stinging speech Diana's brother, a Spencer, delivered at D's funeral.  i wonder if that period is best left to history.


doesn't Meghan have any family names?  maybe Dorian  - as a variation of her mother's name.


Yes, Diana's brother made that stinging speech in front of tv cameras and was't a factor in in his nephews'  lives after that.  It was just a speech.   Hopefully, as time moves on, all the constant references to Diana and the past will cease.  That's why I don't see them giving the child any name that dredges up the Spencers.  That's why I don't think they would ever name a girl Diana.  They wouldn't burden their child with a lifetime of comparisons and the dredging up of the past.  Obviously Meghan has a family on her mother's.  Some time around the wedding, someone published her mother's family tree and a recently some of her mother's relatives did a cute little baby shower where they spoke fondly of Megan.  The shower gifts were for charities.  Lovely older African American ladies.  I always found it odd and I felt so sorry for Meghan's mother at the wedding.  So odd that not a single member of Doria's family, not a single family friend was at the wedding.  She was so alone.     


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What a wonderful time for the family. Harry sounded very excited. Time for England to celebrate a little. And we can all get along with our day. 

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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--- I always found it odd and I felt so sorry for Meghan's mother at the wedding.  So odd that not a single member of Doria's family, not a single family friend was at the wedding.  She was so alone.     


i noticed that too and was glad Charles took her under his wing.  from what i could see about her early childhood her mother's family seemed to be prominent in her upbringing as they were in a lot of pictures.