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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

[ Edited ]

@Noel7 wrote:

@Silver Lining wrote:

About six or seven weeks ago I received a summons for jury duty and fully intended to show up on 1/22/18 as directed. The courthouse is one of my old stomping grounds, unfortunately, as part of being a social worker for the state. Also had two boyfriends there (not simultaneously), one a district judge and the other was the chief deputy district attorney. I digress. 


IIIAs a private citizen I really dislike murder trials and always tried to get out of being chosen during voir dire. There are very few legal reasons for murder, rightfully so, but there are also cases where the dead person got what they deserved legally or not.


Anyway, I flew off a ladder onto concrete and broke my arm on December 8th but hoped to be all better by Jan. 22nd. My arm is still healing in a sling and I have to go to physical therapy which is extremely painful three times a week so I had to decline the court's invitation to show up this week. I called and left a message as instructed to get out of it but never received a response. I got nervous about it last week and called several more times. Left explanation on the specified voice mail. No return call or e-mail. I'm going to be very annoyed if "they" send some kind of citation, or worse yet, a deputy or someone to bang on my door. 


@Silver Lining


If you are 70, there are states which will excuse you permanently.


Another route would be to get an excuse from your doctor.  That is allowed.


Or you could show up at court and tell the judge you need to be excused because of your injury and need for treatment, or the truth about not being able to handle a murder case.


Social workers are often not a juror of choice for various reasons.


Good luck, I understand how you feel. 


Thank you, @Noel7.  I've been chosen from numerous panels of many prospective jurors after we were voir dired by the judge, the prosecutor and defense attornies. They have the questionnaires that we were required to complete so they already have a good idea whom they want. I am open-minded and unbiased so I guess the lawyers recognize it and feel an experienced social worker would be fair to both sides. I've served on close to ten juries over the years, some criminal some civil cases.


To clariify my original post, I followed the instructions on the summons and contacted the administrative office several times in the weeks prior to the deadline. It said to leave a detailed message along with phone number and e-mail address. I think they do not take live calls as they would be too time-consuming considering the fact that several hundred people are summoned for each time.  


I called the designated number AGAIN several times last week and left messages asking for confirmation since we were to be at the courthouse on 1/22. I would have gone in person this past Monday to tell them but I can't drive yet and navigate the parking deck. My bff has been chauffering me for PT and doctor's appointments. She drove me to and from PT on Monday 1/22. 


Like some of you have said, I was probably excused several weeks ago when they listened to voice-mail.  No worries. I just prefer to know for sure. There had been a news bite a while back about "cracking down" on people who ignored jury summons. 


I am perfectly fine with jury duty. It is my civic duty and is actually quite interesting to experience. While I have served on murder cases in the past, I really dislike them. Those and felony child abuse cases are horrible. 

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

Where I live, you practically have to be on life support to get out of jury duty. 


On one trial, during the voir dire in an assault case, I mentioned that my first husband was a wife beater, and I "beat" the son-of-a-gun in court.   THAT remark got me excused from that case, but I still had to sit around until a potential jury was assembled in  another case.    None was called, but I was not excused until the end of the day when my appearance was considered fulfilled.

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

I was summons for jury duty last January to show up on a certain day. Ok fine. The day before which was Sunday a near fatal incident happened and I knew I couldn't serve that week. However I showed up to the jury room, gave my story and they rescheduled me for May. The courts will work with you. 

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court


I was mailed a notice for jury duty last year and the instructions stated that I had to go online to verify the summons and register. (this had to be done within a certain amont of days) I was given a verification number and to check in when the date got closer. I kept the notice on my refrigerator and checked the courthouse instructions for potential jurors periodically. The final step before reporting was to check my status after five p.m the day before, it was then I found out that I didn't have to report after all.


This is in the state of Massachusetts

@JaneMarple This is exactly what I had to do a couple of months ago -- in Virginia.  I was not assigned a case either.

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

Go in person. 

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court



I was mailed a notice for jury duty last year and the instructions stated that I had to go online to verify the summons and register. (this had to be done within a certain amont of days) I was given a verification number and to check in when the date got closer. I kept the notice on my refrigerator and checked the courthouse instructions for potential jurors periodically. The final step before reporting was to check my status after five p.m the day before, it was then I found out that I didn't have to report after all.


This is in the state of Massachusetts

@JaneMarple This is exactly what I had to do a couple of months ago -- in Virginia.  I was not assigned a case either.

This happened to me a few months before I got the summons last January. I was excited not to have to go but your name goes back into the pool and it did. This is in Oklahoma.

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court


Not one attorney ever wanted me for a jury as a paralegal for the State's prosecutor.  You will immediately be disqualified.  


@Fiero Woman


Nor (usually) if you have family members in law enforcement.


I have family with the FBI and it's always one of the questions on the questionnaire, but when they see that I'm always 'rejected' by the defense attorney.



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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

Sorry about your arm and the painful healing process.  But I am a firm believer that people should not get out of jury duty.  If you or anyone has ever seen some of the people that have sat on a jury, and think would I want that person to judge me?   Oh no!  From my experience on jury duty, the best people get out of it with some pitiful excuse, the ones left are lacking in thinking skills.  Sorry but they are not my peers.


You need to go by your own feelings and do what is right for you.

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

I would get a note from the Dr and go in person to deliver it.

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Re: I don't want to be dragged into court

[ Edited ]

If they haven't excused you by letter, then you might or might not be excused when you show up on the date. You have to turn in a jury questionnaire within 10 days of getting the jury summons. It will ask you for a reason why you think you should be excused..Here if you miss 3 jury summons you have to go to court, sometimes jail time or fine.