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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

@just bee wrote:

Sunny and warm in Albuquerque, climbing to 91 degrees later today.  Humidity's at 9%.


The dog's already been out for his walk.

@just bee...I lived in ABQ in the early-mid 90's and ❤️❤️❤️ the climate!

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

[ Edited ]

I'm in NorCal (not in SF) and it's going to be only in the low 60s. Very unseasonable for us. We've had rain on and off for May and June, which is rare for us.


It's supposed to get up to the mid 80s, low 90s by Saturday.

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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

100' in Amarillo, Tx.



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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

It is 92 degrees where I am.  Give me the fall weather any time. I really dislike summer and hot, humid weather.   Gives me headaches.

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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

@Perkup, I'm in New Jersey.

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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

[ Edited ]

Hi Hoosier. I see your name and think of my dear cousins in Indianapolis. Central Midwest here. Almost the geographical middle of the country. (Somewhere in KS is probably the true middle) A bit breezy (more than I like for a bike ride) -- sunny -- lovely day. We've laid sod at our new home and hoping the weather cooperates -- but we've got some 90 degree days ahead. Have a lovely week.  

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

Hot, hot, hot. Windy, windy, windy. It was 102 Friday, but the strong winds cooled it down to the 80's. The forecast says 110+ by next Sunday. I like traveling to the midwest and east coast in the summer but seldom get the opportunity.

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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

Southern WV; 80 degrees and partly sunny.   Low 80's predicted all week, very small chance of rain.   

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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

Just about average for this time of year, in low 90s but with virtually no humidity... By 6pm it'll be about 6%.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: How is it in your neck of the woods?

@newjersey wrote:

It is 92 degrees where I am.  Give me the fall weather any time. I really dislike summer and hot, humid weather.   Gives me headaches.




autumn is my FAVORITE season.....comfortable sunny days, cool nights, FRESH air!

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