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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???


I take old underwear and nightgowns and throw them out as I go.  Rewear the same clothes multiple times (use the hotel bathroom to wash things out).  A pair of black pants will take you pretty much anyplace, if you pair it up with something different.  Take 3 pairs of shoes, max, including the one you have on your feet.  One black (goes with all) jacket/layering piece.


Yes, you wear the same things over and over and over, but it is not a fashion show.



-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

I travel world wide for up to 2 mths via plane train ship and car.  I don't overpack.  On long trips DH and I each pack a wheeled duffle and he takes a backpack and I take a Le Sportsac weekends.  I wear jeans and an all weather light weight shell (layering is your friend) and pack lots of sleeveless and short sleeved tees plus chiffon tops.  3 pairs of shoes, including black heels.  One knit dress and one pair black knit pants and one swimsuit plus pareaus.  7 sets of underwear and meds, makeup.  BTW we handwash or use laundry facilities.  Don't weigh duffle because if my bag is too heavy when I weigh at AP I transfer some to my carryon Le Sportsac ( which also holds electronics, jewelry and tickets).

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

I could truly not enjoy my vacation in old underwear and jammies. nail biting

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???


i have no clue...i never know what to to bring SO i bring Everything!


jewelry is my downfall too and i always seems to find more to buy on Vaca

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

@faeriemoon wrote:

I could truly not enjoy my vacation in old underwear and jammies. nail biting

Me either. 


I don't know why, but I always buy new undies to take with me on vacation.  LOL

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

When I was working I packed like you do. Being retired has brought a separate set of issues. Now it is breathing machine, control pads, spray on pain meds for joints etc. This could be a comedy show but its not funny now that I am planning a trip to Italy in 2016.

I agree about the packing cubes. I still use those and find if you carefully fold shirts and pack in the Shirt holders you can get many more in the same space. I use the MiracleFold Laundry folder that I bought on QVC to pack at home and then the smaller folder that comes with the shirt packer on the road.

I have downsized from a big suitcase to 2 22" ones because I cannot lift the big ones anymore. I will have to make it work. Travel is worth it, even at 72.


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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

I always find the suggestion to take old underwear and throw it away very funny. How heavy are your undies, after all?


Now, shoes, hair dryers, all that equipment, that's a different story. Wear a pair, take one more and forget the hair stuff unless you are really obsessive. I travel a lot and rely on one or two colors and mix and match as I go. Many times, you have to schlep your own luggage, so plan accordingly.

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

I've never NOT overpacked! (and never will)  At home I dress fashionably so when I go on a trip I am not going to change my style.


Sorry, but you could not pay me to wear those multi-purpose items of clothing picture.

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

[ Edited ]

@VaBelle35 wrote:
People who travel with just a carry on are not human.


Meet one of those you call "not human."  


I travel all over the world with just a carry-on suitcase. When I go to the outer reaches of what many would refer to as third-world countries, the weight restriction on luggage is severe because you are in planes that can only carry 5-10 people and you aren't allowed to carry but one suitcase that sometimes can't exceed 30 pounds. The plane won't be able to get up into the air if overloaded. On a couple of occasions at a very small airport, my luggage and I have been told to stand on a scale! Sometimes the mode of transportation is a jeep or a canoe. So you learn how to do without.


If you can get used to the idea that most people don't really care that they see you in the same outfit more than once, shop at places like REI that have ultra light clothes, wash/rinse out your clothes once in a while during the trip, you'd be surprised how little you need. And obviously, you pick clothes that mix and match in color so you can get several outfits out them.


Travel Smith online has great clothes that are reversible and don't wrinkle. If you get one top and one bottom that are reversible, you have four outfits before repeating. I travel with two shirts/blouses, two slacks, all reversible, which gives me a minimumn of eight different looks before I need to repeat. Then I throw in a splash of color with a scarf that increases your options for change. You can also toss in one or two reversible skirts, and your options go up even more. As long as they are the light-weight material and don't crease, you're good for many days before repeating. Mine all fit in a 21-inch carry-on.


As to makeup, although I use quite a bit when not traveling, I only use foundation and lip gloss on these kind of trips. For skin care, argan oil is great for cleansing and moisturizing. It's very freeing to walk past all those people by the luggage conveyer belts, waiting for their luggage to come (if it didn't take a detour to another country, which I've had happen before I decided to dump the regular sized luggage). Now days, it is also cheaper to only have a carry-on. My husband and I traveled to Russia for two weeks with only our carry-ons. You are also allowed to have a personal item, so I carried a very large purse and he carried a satchel. 


Some sage advice from other travelers I know, and you have probably already heard this.....put out on your bed everything you want to take, then put back half. Trust me, it works every time. You don't need everything you think you need. 


Rick Steves of PBS travel fame only carries a backpack that also has wheels when he wants to use it that way. On one of his programs (probably can get it on DVD) he opened up his backpack and showed what all he had in it. It was enough for two weeks! Yes, men have it easier than women with all of our paraphernalia, but the point is it can be done. Also, there are a lot of videos online to help you. Just google "packing light" or something like that. 


By the way, GoToob containers are the best for traveling. Come in various sizes. I get mine at REI, but you can get them on and I assume other places. Stuff just doesn't leak out of them because of the unique opening that makes you have to squeeze them in order to use the contents. They just don't leak!


Also, there are many ways to prepare for dual weather situations. You don't need to take an umbrella when a plastic head cover will do. You don't need to take a raincoat when the ultra light plastic ponchos can be folded down to 2-1/2 x 3 inches (I get mine from Walmart for 99 cents). Think outside the box about what things can double in use and which things you really don't need, but only want. As to shoes, you only pack one pair; you wear the second. Saves space. Put socks, jewelry, or any other small items inside the shoes you pack. 


BUT..........always, always take a very small roll of duct tape (which I wind around a pencil). Luggage has a way of tearing/ripping or getting punctured, unless you have the hard shell luggage. I've used duct tape to temporarily repair hems, sandal straps, take off clothes lint, etc. It has even repaired a window screen so mosquitos couldn't get in! Very versatile.

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Re: How do you NOT overpack for a trip/vacation? How many outfits, shoes, etc.???

We always overpack. To the point of being hilarious. Everything but the kitchen sink, as they say. Everything you can think of for any medical issue that could arise, but no snakebite kit. In other countries, want to look like an old lady fashionista. After all, want to make a good impression for America. (They can spot us a mile away.). Jewelry galore, but no too flashy. So crazy! I have so much to learn and thank you all for your tips!