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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

Each cashier is different at my Kohls. Some will allow you to use cash when you have

a credit card discount. Others of course will not because you are supposed to use

the charge.


Recently I was behind a customer trying to make a purchase with all her coupons

and her 30 percent with charge and when she was told no you have to put your

order on your card, she said last time I didn't. I believe her because I have had

similar experiences.


But she was very rude because she then demanded the cashier get a manager over

to discuss this and the manager said no you have to use your charge if you want

the discount. Well after holding up the line for all this wasted time, she just walked

out and left her items with the cashier. 


Some people will argue and argue and she was not right. The coupon does clearly

say when you use your Kohls charge you get the additonal discount.

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

Kohl's had a pre-Black Friday sale yesterday online. Lots of things marked way down. I bought Christmas presents for my four-year old niece, a unicorn throw blanket, two dresses, and a pair of leggings. I also bought another blanket for myself. What irritates me though, and almost every store does this, is they give you a promo code or coupon but they have so many exclusions you can't use it because they've already slashed prices or they put the whole store on sale.

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

@VaBelle35 wrote:

One of the reasons the Mall annoys me is all those hawkers in the carts chasing you down to sample their junk.


Similarly, small stores like Yankee Candle are annoying when they chase you around the store trying to show you everything.


The store is 5ft by 5ft.  I think I can find everything on my own without help.


I really hate the hard sell.



AMEN TO THAT about the Cart Merchants harrassing people in the malls---its one reason I hate to shop at the malls.....There is only one mall I go to and park right in the parking lot outside of Dillards do my shopping then drive over to Barnes and Noble and do the same and never enter the mall or any other stores.....


And same thing about the "helicopter sales people "  no matter what the store! If they hover around me I either leave the store OR will tell them I just prefer to browse and look for things on my own,  I'll come to you if I have any questions....


I dont find that at Yankee Candle, BUT they drive me crazy at Bath and Body Works, and the sales people must get some kind of reward/bonus/commission because at the register and ask "who helped you today?"  and I reply, I like to shop withot help" and they give me a quizzical look Woman LOL

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

[ Edited ]



Thanks for posting the info, I found it interesting that their Execs have taken an innovative approach to staying relevant in turbulent retail times. 


We dont have many Kohls in our city, and the closest one to me is quite a distance I dont go there often, but when I do shop there I do like their merchandise variety.  There was no harrassing roaming people soliciting their CC either...



What I don't like about Kohls is their Women's Clothing Dept---clothes thrown everywhere---its a mess!!! And the dressing rooms are dirty too, and some clothing was OK, but yes a definite decline in quality.  The other Departments are nice and neat. .........Now a store I do like shopping for clothes in is Stein Mart---they do a lousy job advertising and making their stores known BUT their clothing is very nice quality, and they offer a nice variety too...Most are priced at the $19 or $29 range, and they also offer a more upscale boutique line . The stores and dressing rooms are nice and clean too!!!.........One of the few stores that maintains clothing quality at a reasonable price!......And their cashiers are at the front of the store too...

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

When I do go into a store (which is rarely) I judge it by how neatly the merchandise is displayed.


When I worked retail part time as a youngster, we would constantly go around and refold, restack and neatly rearrange the mess people made of things that were not theirs.  Maybe they don't hire people to do that anymore.

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

@50Mickey wrote:

I have shopped in Kohls for at least 15 years in Wisconsin, and Georgia and in several cities  in GA. Never have I benn harrassed about a credit car. Never have I been approached while shopping by their associates and urged to get a credit card. I find their customer service to be superior to most Dept. stores. What I find amusing is when people go to check out and complain that they can't get the 30% off because they don't have a Kohl's credit card. How about getting one and paying your account off every month? That's waht I do. I have never paid a finance charge and love getting the discounts and Kohl's cash. Their return policy is superior to most every store that i have shoped in. 

You can call me a liar all you want to @50Mickey but I hve no reason to make up such a story.  That's been my experience at my local store.  I wish it wasn't.         

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

@sunshine45 wrote:

you can almost always find a discount coupon for 15% off without having to use a kohls charge......sometimes 20%. i dont think they offer the 30% off to those who dont use a kohls card. i personally like having that perk and can often find the 30% off, even if i did not receive the 30% off in the mail.


I had a cashier with a real attitude once when I tried to use a Kohl's coupon that clearly was valid for everyone.  She insisted that they didn't have coupons like that, and I asked for a manager.  Even the manager told me she had never seen one before.  But it turned out that it was fine.  Of course I didn't get any kind of apology, just attitude from start to finish.  (And I was patient and nice!)


Just another bad Kohl's experience, and that was the last time I ever went to a Kohl's.

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

[ Edited ]

@Laura14 wrote:

@50Mickey wrote:

I have shopped in Kohls for at least 15 years in Wisconsin, and Georgia and in several cities  in GA. Never have I benn harrassed about a credit car. Never have I been approached while shopping by their associates and urged to get a credit card. I find their customer service to be superior to most Dept. stores. What I find amusing is when people go to check out and complain that they can't get the 30% off because they don't have a Kohl's credit card. How about getting one and paying your account off every month? That's waht I do. I have never paid a finance charge and love getting the discounts and Kohl's cash. Their return policy is superior to most every store that i have shoped in. 

You can call me a liar all you want to @50Mickey but I hve no reason to make up such a story.  That's been my experience at my local store.  I wish it wasn't.         

@Laura14, I've never had anyone follow me around at a Kohl's, but I absolutely believe you.  In my experience, a lot of the people who work there (and management) are completely tone deaf re how to treat customers.  I've never once left a Kohl's without feeling frustrated.

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

@Laura14 wrote:

@50Mickey wrote:

I have shopped in Kohls for at least 15 years in Wisconsin, and Georgia and in several cities  in GA. Never have I benn harrassed about a credit car. Never have I been approached while shopping by their associates and urged to get a credit card. I find their customer service to be superior to most Dept. stores. What I find amusing is when people go to check out and complain that they can't get the 30% off because they don't have a Kohl's credit card. How about getting one and paying your account off every month? That's waht I do. I have never paid a finance charge and love getting the discounts and Kohl's cash. Their return policy is superior to most every store that i have shoped in. 

You can call me a liar all you want to @50Mickey but I hve no reason to make up such a story.  That's been my experience at my local store.  I wish it wasn't.  


Where did I call you a liar? i gave my experience of shopping in Kohl's. Never did I wrtie that you made up a story.  

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Re: How Kohl's Has Avoided the Retail Meltdown

@Laura14 wrote:

I will never step foot into Kohls.  I actually sent a complaint email to their home office a few months ago and I never do that. 


About a decade ago, my local store started a policy of hunting you down as you shop and asking if you wanted their credit card.  I don't want to be solicited like that and it's bad enough you have to say no ten times at the checkout line.


The stopper for me back then was when a man approached me in lingerie and struck up a conversation about their coupons.  I am holding intimates in my hand and I don't want to talk to a strange guy about nonsense while I do.  I never went back.


Over the summer, it was back to school weekend and I wanted to lay hands on cooking sets to see what I liked.  I figured it had been 10 years and maybe things had changed.




I walk in and a lady immediately greets me and asks if I have their card.  I lie and say yes.  I walk back to the kitchen area and I hear her walking down the aisle accosting everyone she meets.  She comes to me no less than 2 minutes after I just said yes and asks me again.  I say yes again. 


At this point I am done.  I can't shop with a knot in my stomach wondering when someone else is going to ambush me.  So I leave in a different direction to make sure I don't run into her again.


I get to the front door to exit and she pops up again and again asks me for the third time in 5 minutes if I have their card.


I was so disgusted I emailed their home office, told them what happened, and said unless they plan to require their customers to use lanyards to display their Kohls cards at all times, it's rude and I would not be back after trying to return from a 10 year hiatus.


Kohls is just not for me.   


You bring up an interesting point. Kohl's is doing well by the numbers, but how much of its profit is due to its credit cards rather than actual retail sales? Was reading an article a while back that said that many retailers with good numbers--Home Depot and Target were given as examples--are actually pulling in almost half of their profit from their credit cards, and that is not necessarily good. 


Retailers often force employees to meet monthly credit card signup goals. Hence the hard sell. 


I find the credit card sellers to be annoying too.