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Having gas on an airplane ride

[ Edited ]

Now that was a new problem I never heard of before, or luckily never experienced. I suppose that is a possibility. Read about that on line today, someone had to slip a stewardess a note.


Did you ever have an uncomfortable airplane ride? I mean at 30,000  feet, you're kind of a trapped person.


The only one I had a problem with was when I flew to Chicago once and that was when you could smoke on a plane. Terribly uncomfortable for me. I didn't smoke and had just that morning realized that I was pregnant. I thought it was nerves because it was a first airplane ride for me.


If you have a story, I would like to hear it. Takes my mind off the 12 degrees we have outside again today.

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

LOL..what is the stewardess knowing going to do for anyone? 

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

Pass out some Gas X maybe?

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

Generally, you know ahead of time if you are going to I am careful not to eat things that may cause discomfort................ya know, no bean burrito for breakfast.

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

Ha ha, I read that story. What was even better were the hundreds of comments people wrote at the end of the article. They were truly funny! I laughed so hard at a couple of them that I had to put my iPad down!

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

I have never experienced that problem, but many people have It is caused by the high altitude. 


You  can purchase a cushion to sit on that contains charcoal filters or small filters  you can use inside of your undies.


I imagine it's a very embarrassing problem to have in very close quarters.



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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

[ Edited ]




I think this might be the article.





"'F*rting in rows 10 to 12' writes desperate passenger"


However unpleasant in-flight f*rts may be, scientists say it's best to let them go.

As far as airplane sins go, in-flight f*rting is the unspoken evil.

But one desperate passenger was forced to take action when they found themselves placed in the firing line of a particularly flatulent flyer.

The passenger scribbled the plea for help on a napkin, and passed it onto a flight attendant.


"I don't know if you can make an announcement," the note reads. "But if you can, you should say that whoever is f*rting in the area of rows 10 to 12 should definitely see a doctor..."


The note was then posted to Reddit, where it transpired the flight attendant did not end up making the announcement.


However unpleasant the breaking of wind at 30,000 feet may be for fellow passengers, there is potentially little to do but suffer in silence.


In 2013, a team of British and Danish gastroenterologists published a study in the New Zealand Medical Journal titled: "Flatulence on airplanes: just let it go".

Restraining gas lead to a raft of "significant drawbacks" for passengers, including discomfort, pain, bloating, indigestion, stress and heartburn.


They suggested several solutions to mitigate the problem, such as airlines using stench-stifling charcoal seats, or tampering with the fibre content of airplane food "to reduce its flatulent potential".


One more extreme measure put forward by the scientists was to ban the f*rt-prone from flying."


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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

Ohmygosh euuuuwwww!

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

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Re: Having gas on an airplane ride

OMG Preds!   LOL