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@caroln242 wrote:

The other day my sister was over at my house and at lunchtime she started making a sandwich...on a paper towel.  I said, "I clean my counters all the time, they're clean".  She said she always puts food on a paper towel or a cutting board, never on a counter.


A friend of mine does the same thing, but she has cats that roam all over her counters so I understand that.  I have no cats, no animals of any kind, wipe down my counters constantly and have put bread, etc. on the counter for 50 years.  No problems.


Am I being gross, putting food on my kitchen counter?  I thought that's what they were for! 


What do you guys do?



I have no animals, but wouldn't think of making a sandwich or anything else with out putting a paper towel down first.

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I don't cut or prepare food directly on my counter.  Never gave it much thought, just a habit.  I'd rather wipe off my cutting board then the counter top.  @caroln242  Its no big deal and I don't think there is a right or wrong way so keep doing what you are accustomed to.

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I never place food directly on the counters. 

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If your counters are clean, you are not being gross, but don't you have to clean your counters more often if you prepare food directly on them? I put food on top of a plate or cutting board or something to prevent getting my counter dirty! 

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@PreKteacher wrote:

If your counters are clean, you are not being gross, but don't you have to clean your counters more often if you prepare food directly on them? I put food on top of a plate or cutting board or something to prevent getting my counter dirty! 

Actually, the space I use for preparing food, sandwiches, etc. is just about maybe 3 feet long.  It's right next to the sink, so it gets cleaned many times a day.  But it's quick, just wipe it up right after using it.  After dinner I go around and wipe down all the counters whether I've used them or not.  Like someone said...dust, odds and ends being set on them during the day, etc.

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I never put food directly on the counter.  I always use a cutting board and when making a sandwich use the plate I will be eating from.  Just safer IMO.

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I put it on a plate. Even if I trusted my counters cleanliness, I wouldn't want to cut a sandwich on it and damage it.

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Well, they're your counters and it's your food so I don't need to judge. 


 For me, no I don't put food right on the counters.    I'm pretty nutty about my food-pickiness, though.   There are lots of things I don't do that are probably perfectly fine for others.  Smiley Happy

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I tend not to put food on counters. I'll put it directly onto a dish of some kind, paper towel or paper plate.

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I have (what seems like) a million cats and have no qualms about preparing food right on the counter or eating food right off the counter, lol. I do have the luxury of a fully functioning immune system though!