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So hoping we can discuss the upcoming fashion parade without descending into partisanship and get deleted;   maybe a vain hope!


I enjoyed seeing Michelle Obama's evolving fashion choices.  She and Melania Trump have long, rangy figures that lend themselves so well to certain clothes.


Melania's first appearance today in Washington-- right off the plane, a beautiful, perfectly tailored dark coat or suit.  Couldn't tell which?


Looking forward to seeing what ladies of all parties will be wearing throughout the weekend in Washington...

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I look forward to seeing the fashions as well. 

Just like I did with the Reagan Administration - so glamorous and elegant.  Same time as the late Diana Spencer.

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Speaking of Diana, I have in my possession a book that chronicles her fledgling fashion choices as Princess of Wales, down through the later stages of her tenure.


It was fascinating to see how she changed-- she went from a fairly typical English Rose/ Sloane Ranger kind of look, to something quite a bit more streamlined.  Of course the early 80's were an ornate era, as you could see by her elaborate, romantic wedding dress.


The padded shoulders and longer hemlines gradually receded.  I liked her at all stages of her look.  She always looked like "herself".  For example, she hung onto her short hair, even though the cut and shape went through modifications.


But the gorgeous, inherited jewels that she nonchalantly sported throughout, stayed the same!

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Melania always looks understated.  At least the times I've seen her.  Agree that she looked perfect for DC as she came off the airplane.


My professional career was spent in DC with a short stint at the White House.  Back then, it was suits, stockings and heels every day.  Even after I left the WH, most professional dress was very conservative.   


By the time I retired, some were wearing jeans and sweatshirtsCat LOL



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She looked absolutely stunning with that military style suit.  

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Re: Fashion in D.C.

[ Edited ]

Wow, Witchy Woman, what a resume!  You leave me wanting to know more. From your vantage point then, who were the dressers in Washington who stood out, if any?  Everyone does say that Washington is a very conservative town, clothes-wise.


I liked the way Evangeline Bruce (wife of Ambassador David Bruce) dressed.  Judging by that, and by her decor, she seemed to have a romantic sensibility.  Some senators get very into beautiful English tailoring, which I think is elegant.


Do tell us more of your observations, if so inclined!

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Thanks for giving that added detail, Hoovermom, I didn't have a good view of it.  I assume it was black...

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Melania is stunning and so far I've loved every fashion choice she has made.  She is impeccable.  I don't ever see her making a bad choice when it comes to clothing.  In addition, she is poised, graceful, and rocks the position of First Lady!

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I love watching the choices of clothing made by the First Ladies.

I look forward to seeing all of the gowns and suits etc. Smiley Happy


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@Pqfan wrote:

I love watching the choices of clothing made by the First Ladies.

I look forward to seeing all of the gowns and suits etc. Smiley Happy



I so agree with you.  I've always loved seeing what our First Ladies choose to wear for the swearing in and the Inaugural Ball. 


I'm sure our new FL will look lovely..  MO had 2 stunning gowns for her husband's big nights.