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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

Honestly, just require a doctor's note for every sick absence.  I can't possibly understand why a manager would want to waste time leaving the office to come and check.  The office is already down one person, now they are down 2.



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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

This reminds me of a time when I had a large staff of employees. One employee was abusing his sick time- we did allow for 5 sick days. I was on vacation in Florida and happened to turn on the tv to catch the today show. Beyonce was performing at Rock Plaza. Lo and behold, who do I see right upfront, dancing and waving at the cameras? You guessed it. I thought I was seeing things so I called the office and to my surprise (not), this person had called in sick once again. He was terminated the next day. I understand people will call in sick when they aren't, but at least be smart about it.

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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

I have never heard of a boss coming to your home to check on you for being out for one single day. I had a coworker who had breast cancer and would miss many days and the boss would stop by to see her and bring her flowers, cards from the office workers, etc.


 I have worked for bosses who would call later in the day to check up on you and "see how you are feeling" I am sure they were checking to see if you were home.


I have never abused my sick days and never been checked up on, but I know I worked with coworkers who were always calling off sick, especially on a Friday or a Monday. 


Eventually, they were let go or quit. No big loss.


If I called off sick, I would not appreciate the boss stopping by and would not open the door.  If I am in bed sick in my pj's, I do not answer the door.


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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

        When I was working, employee could call in "sick" for whatever reason...but only so many days a year.They were called 'personal leave days'.  Can't really remember, but there were only seven/eight days a year. The thought was if employee had the days accumulated, then they were allowed to take off.  However, vacation days had to be approved prior by supervisor.

       No one checked up on you. If you were out three days straight or more, without having requested vacation days, then employee needed a doctor's note.

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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

My sister called off sick one day (at a part time job at a bowling alley) and was asked by the manager, who are you sleeping with tonight??? Those were not his exact words either (via text)  Well, let's say she quit that job and wrote a scathing letter to the directors.  But it being a man's world, nothing was every done.  

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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

No, it is a crazy manager!
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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

It sure is legal!  Employment at will has very few if any restrictions as to what an employer can do!! It may also be that your sister has called off way too much and is suspected of sick leave abuse.

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Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

i would not worry about it.......i would not even answer the door.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
Posts: 30
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

Thanks for the replies.  She is not abusing her sick days, nor has she. Not sure if that has been a problem with other employees at her job. She has worked at this company/job for over 30 years. The reason it come up in coversation is she asked over a year ago for 3 days off the first week in December 2018.  The manager did not let her know if she had them off or not, till late Aug, That's when she said no one would get any days off in December unless they were sick days.  I asker her what would happen if she were actually sick on the days off she had asked for. Thats when she said that her manager would come to her house and check to see if she was sick.  Thought that seemed overstepping privacy unless she was checking out of concern. (This would not be the case because of this managers personality).  What if she were sleeping, sick/throwing up, or in the shower at the time manager stopped by.  Situations like this makes me glad that I am self employed!

Posts: 30
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Employee/manager...Is this legal?

No, but she said she might if people call in sick, they better answer the door and be sick.