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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@JustJazzmom wrote:

And children under the age of 2 but after the age of 1 year need whole milk (once the pediatrician okays it) because certain fats contained in whole milk (4% milkfat) are needed for adequate brain development. After the age of 2, with the pediatrican's okay, a parent can switch their child to 1% milkfat or 2%.


From this website:

Cow's milk is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for children under 1 year old. Children under the age of 2 should not be given low-fat milk (2%, 1%, or skim) as they need the additional calories from fat to ensure proper growth and development.


Well ideally they would be breastfed. 

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@JAXS Mom wrote:

@JustJazzmom wrote:

And children under the age of 2 but after the age of 1 year need whole milk (once the pediatrician okays it) because certain fats contained in whole milk (4% milkfat) are needed for adequate brain development. After the age of 2, with the pediatrican's okay, a parent can switch their child to 1% milkfat or 2%.


From this website:

Cow's milk is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for children under 1 year old. Children under the age of 2 should not be given low-fat milk (2%, 1%, or skim) as they need the additional calories from fat to ensure proper growth and development.


Well ideally they would be breastfed. 

Yes, in an ideal world, women would breastfeed but some women cannot breastfeed or decide not to; this is where formula comes in to supplement breastfeeding.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@JustJazzmom wrote:

And children under the age of 2 but after the age of 1 year need whole milk (once the pediatrician okays it) because certain fats contained in whole milk (4% milkfat) are needed for adequate brain development. After the age of 2, with the pediatrican's okay, a parent can switch their child to 1% milkfat or 2%.


From this website:

Cow's milk is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for children under 1 year old. Children under the age of 2 should not be given low-fat milk (2%, 1%, or skim) as they need the additional calories from fat to ensure proper growth and development.


My kids have never had cow's milk.  They had almond milk when they were babies, and now drink coconut milk or almond milk. 


They were very rarely sick, have strong immune systems, no allergies, and are very bright.

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@brii wrote:

@JustJazzmom wrote:

And children under the age of 2 but after the age of 1 year need whole milk (once the pediatrician okays it) because certain fats contained in whole milk (4% milkfat) are needed for adequate brain development. After the age of 2, with the pediatrican's okay, a parent can switch their child to 1% milkfat or 2%.


From this website:

Cow's milk is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for children under 1 year old. Children under the age of 2 should not be given low-fat milk (2%, 1%, or skim) as they need the additional calories from fat to ensure proper growth and development.


My kids have never had cow's milk.  They had almond milk when they were babies, and now drink coconut milk or almond milk. 


They were very rarely sick, have strong immune systems, no allergies, and are very bright.

I could say the same about my children two of whom are doctors in their fields of study-- but they had whole milk until they were two and then I switched them to 2% and as they were growing up, they drank 1% milk.


They are rarely sick and have strong immune systems, no allergies and are very bright.


The apple does not fall far from the tree.....Woman HappyWoman Happy

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

That's great, @JustJazzmom.


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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@YorkieonmyPillow wrote:

She's very "crunchy," as they say, and seems to be wanting to safeguard the baby from anything toxic or non-organic. This is her first baby.


Ignorance is toxic. I get that people long for a simpler time, but they seem to be forgetting how many women died in childbirth, how many children did not survive adulthood, and how many people died of diseases that modern medicine has learned to cure or prevent.

There's room for BOTH traditional medicine, raw foods, organics, etc AND for modern things and it's best to balance them with reason. To go all one route or the other is foolish. My friend's sister went to a doctor once and then decided to ignore his advice to have the baby in a hospital because she has a very small frame and delivery would be hard. She had the baby at home with a midwife and the baby was stuck and without oxygen for quite some time. They had to call an ambulance and both the mother and baby survived, but years later they are still learning the extent of the developmental damage done by the oxygen deprivation. Midwives work well for some people, but not for all and you need to listen to the people who know and have a contingency plan.

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@blahblahvampemerblah wrote:

I don't see the issue as it's only recently in human history where pasteurization was even available.  If it didn't kill off humans then, why would it now with even better sanitation?


It did kill people then...


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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@brii wrote:

@JustJazzmom wrote:

And children under the age of 2 but after the age of 1 year need whole milk (once the pediatrician okays it) because certain fats contained in whole milk (4% milkfat) are needed for adequate brain development. After the age of 2, with the pediatrican's okay, a parent can switch their child to 1% milkfat or 2%.


From this website:

Cow's milk is not recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics for children under 1 year old. Children under the age of 2 should not be given low-fat milk (2%, 1%, or skim) as they need the additional calories from fat to ensure proper growth and development.


My kids have never had cow's milk.  They had almond milk when they were babies, and now drink coconut milk or almond milk. 


They were very rarely sick, have strong immune systems, no allergies, and are very bright.


You are a wonderful mother!   


Many don't realize heart disease takes years to develop. That's many, many years of 'donkey-punching' your endothelium with animal products of meat, dairy, eggs, oil only to pay the price later.


Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn says, "For many, the FIRST sign of heart disease is a heart attack or stroke."


You might have perfect biomarkers all of your life, then...boom....stroke.  Examples are those athletes dying on the football field, marathon runners crossing the finish line or NBA players dying at a young age.  Of course there are others, but it's the athlete that always surprises us.


Personal Story:

I have a friend who is 55, very fit & muscular, low body fat, no HPB or cholesterol...beautiful biomarkers.    She's a big Paleo, chicken, milk, egg, whey protein type of eater.   One morning...boom...stroke.  Doctors don't have any idea what was the cause....but never once did these doctors ask what she eats/ate.   Today, she takes tons of medication...and the invisible weight & thought of another stroke is always on her mind.   It's so sad.


Maybe that's why I'm so passionate about this topic & want to share her story.   Once you know someone affected by they're destructive habits, you want to help.   But of course, they have to be open to hear.


Eating plant-based is an insurance against future diseases & ailments.  But it can heal & cure so many things right now!   Of course we're all going to die.  But the QUALITY of later life is a direct result of the years before.  


The second a baby takes a sip of animal milk, plaque begins to form.  

Heart disease is a dietary disease.  

Parents set the dietary blueprint for their children.  

A Plant-Based diet is a beautiful way to direct your children's life!

Kudos, @brii!

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

my body rejects bovine products including dairy and red meats. realized this when i no longer could tolerate light cream in coffee or even ceral with milk.  IBS, bloating, lower GI and  stomach problems. the last time i had ice cream was 10 years ago.  was sick for hours. feel the same way if i eat a burger so i avoid cow .

there are other ways to get the Vitamin D and calcium without subjecting your body  to the saturated fat, antibiotics and hormones in Dairyand Bovine Meat  products.

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@sidsmom, thank so much.


I'm not perfect.  We are not vegetarians or vegans.  I do believe in moderation from all the food groups. 


I am just trying to live a healthy life.  So far, so good.


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