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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

[ Edited ]

@sidsmom wrote:

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@italia8140 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how everyone's a-twitter over the 'raw' aspect.


The bigger issue adult human should be drinking animal milk.



There are different ways to obtain your calcium needs.  

Blood, pus, antibiotics....those are just a few of the things in animal milk.


Drinking milk from another species is just an amazing generational marketing scheme from The Dairy Council. 


Milk doesn't do a body good...raw or not. 



Wrong? .......   based on what?    


We're the only mammal on the planet that drinks another mammal species' milk ..... and drinks it past infancy.   There's a reason so many people just can't tolerate dairy.


And there's evidence mounting which links bovine antibodies to early-onset Type 1 diabetes.  


Can't imagine how a parent could continue to give cow's milk to their children knowing this information.   Knowingly giving your child that burden of T1 diabetes & all the complications because of 

I want a source for this. And by that I mean a recent source backed by science.


From what I've read, and it's been limited, this is still a theory and it also includes hydrolyzed infant formulas along with milk as being potential culprits among those with a genetic predisposition. 



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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

Op, This would not something I would do.  What does your daughter think about this?

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@Kachina624 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how everyone's a-twitter over the 'raw' aspect.


The bigger issue adult human should be drinking animal milk.



There are different ways to obtain your calcium needs.  

Blood, pus, antibiotics....those are just a few of the things in animal Drinking milk from another species is just an amazing generational marketing scheme from The Dairy Council. 


Milk doesn't do a body good...raw or not. 



@sidsmom    Sometimes your advice makes a lot of sense but way out in left field with this one.   Milk is the best source of calcium.   Period.   I don't know where people come up with this kind of advice. 


 EXCELLENT POST! You're correct. She's wrong.

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

Proud milk drinker here! I even LOVE goat's milk! Yummy!


My favorite brand of cows milk is Fair Life.


I like to get my goat's milk from my local co-op.



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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@Kachina624 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how everyone's a-twitter over the 'raw' aspect.


The bigger issue adult human should be drinking animal milk.



There are different ways to obtain your calcium needs.  

Blood, pus, antibiotics....those are just a few of the things in animal Drinking milk from another species is just an amazing generational marketing scheme from The Dairy Council. 


Milk doesn't do a body good...raw or not. 



@sidsmom    Sometimes your advice makes a lot of sense but way out in left field with this one.   Milk is the best source of calcium.   Period.   I don't know where people come up with this kind of advice. 


Milk is not the best source of calcium


Leafy greens, fruit, beans, and seafood contain calcium. 


We'd really be a lot healthier if people consumed less animal milk products.

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

Proud milk drinker here! I even LOVE goat's milk! Yummy!


My favorite brand of cows milk is Fair Life.


I like to get my goat's milk from my local co-op.



When i was little they thought I may be allergic to cow's milk so they told my parents to use goat's milk. Being we lived on a farm my dad went and got a goat. My oldest brother would have to milk her and she was obnoxious - she would bite him and butt him and kick him all the time. He hated her. Turned out I wasn't allergic to cow's milk but we kept that goat anyway. My brother named her Satan.

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Posts: 947
Registered: ‎10-24-2015

Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

Proud milk drinker here! I even LOVE goat's milk! Yummy!


My favorite brand of cows milk is Fair Life.


I like to get my goat's milk from my local co-op.



Mine, too. It's the BEST, IMO!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@brii wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how everyone's a-twitter over the 'raw' aspect.


The bigger issue adult human should be drinking animal milk.



There are different ways to obtain your calcium needs.  

Blood, pus, antibiotics....those are just a few of the things in animal Drinking milk from another species is just an amazing generational marketing scheme from The Dairy Council. 


Milk doesn't do a body good...raw or not. 



@sidsmom    Sometimes your advice makes a lot of sense but way out in left field with this one.   Milk is the best source of calcium.   Period.   I don't know where people come up with this kind of advice. 


Milk is not the best source of calcium


Leafy greens, fruit, beans, and seafood contain calcium. 


We'd really be a lot healthier if people consumed less animal milk products.



While other foods do have calcium they are lacking in the vitamin D and the fat molecule necessary for our body to store calcium. Milk has the calcium and the vit d and the fat molecule, all of which are a necessity to our body. People tend to get way overboard on this low fat = there is a certain amount of fats needed by our body same as there is a certain amount of carbs and proteins.

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Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

[ Edited ]

@Kachina624 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how everyone's a-twitter over the 'raw' aspect.


The bigger issue adult human should be drinking animal milk.



There are different ways to obtain your calcium needs.  

Blood, pus, antibiotics....those are just a few of the things in animal Drinking milk from another species is just an amazing generational marketing scheme from The Dairy Council. 


Milk doesn't do a body good...raw or not. 



@sidsmom    **Sometimes your advice makes a lot of sense but way out in left field with this one.   Milk is the best source of calcium.   Period.   I don't know where people come up with this kind of advice. 





Cultures around the world rely on plant-based sources for their nutritional needs....up and including calcium.    


There are too many studies to back this up.  I'm surprised in this day/age people still have this antiquated 'animals are best' mentality.    Lots and lots of plant-based studies.   


Where do we get this information?

The Gold Standard of plant-based research is The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell.  He has spent decades studying the benefits of eating a plant-based diet.  But again, there are TONS of resources backing up the benefits of a plant-based diet.


Dark leafy greens & legumes are the best sources of calcium.  



Where do you think cows get THEIR calcium to grow strong bones?  

Greens! 😀

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,026
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Drinking Raw Milk While Pregnant

@sidsmom wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

Funny how everyone's a-twitter over the 'raw' aspect.


The bigger issue adult human should be drinking animal milk.



There are different ways to obtain your calcium needs.  

Blood, pus, antibiotics....those are just a few of the things in animal Drinking milk from another species is just an amazing generational marketing scheme from The Dairy Council. 


Milk doesn't do a body good...raw or not. 



@sidsmom    **Sometimes your advice makes a lot of sense but way out in left field with this one.   Milk is the best source of calcium.   Period.   I don't know where people come up with this kind of advice. 





Cultures around the world rely on plant-based sources for their nutritional needs....up and including calcium.    


There are too many studies to back this up.  I'm surprised in this day/age people still have this antiquated 'animals are best' mentality.    Lots and lots of plant-based studies.   


Where do we get this information?

The Gold Standard of plant-based research is The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell.  He has spent decades studying the benefits of eating a plant-based diet.  But again, there are TONS of resources backing up the benefits of a plant-based diet.


Dark leafy greens & legumes are the best sources of calcium.  



Where do you think cows get THEIR calcium to grow strong bones?  

Greens! 😀

I really don't mean to be a smarty pants but this post is why people should never ever take medical advice from a message board. 

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