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Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

Everytime I switch on QVC all there is is CIJ. What is going on? Why don't they just have a CIJ channel for all Christmas instead of making QVC into the Christmas channel. Too much!!!

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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

It's a Christmas in July weekend.  It has been advertised on QVC for weeks and  also in the program guide.

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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

I for one am LOVING CIJ.  So wonderful.  Just switch the channels if you are not enjoying.  There is a ton more on other channels.

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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

I hope not.

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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I love all the great sale prices and ideas the Q is offering. So many other programs to watch if it's not your thing!😊



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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

I haven't had QVC on once this weekend.

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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

I just do not watch,why people are interested in christmas in the summer ,i do not get it.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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What's to get?   They do it every year, someone must like it.    I don't do Christmas in Dec.   


I'm amazed that long timers sit and whine about what's on. Change the channel or go do something else.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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@debic wrote:

What's to get?   They do it every year, someone must like it.    I don't do Christmas in Dec.   


I'm amazed that long timers sit and whine about what's on. Change the channel or go do something else.

I am amazed that people are thinking of christmas, in the summer!!

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Does this Christmas marathon ever end?

Just be patient until midnight when Q returns with a full day of fashion followed by a day with about 14 hours of mostly fashion and jewelry, followed by a day with about 7 hours of mostly fashion and jewelry, followed by about 8 hours of jewelry and fashion.


In other words, Q will soon return to being the fashion, beauty, jewelry channel.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.