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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

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I keep the basics on overnight: left hand rings, watch, necklace and stud earrings. I do take my watch off to shower but that's it. I've tried taking the earrings out only to forget to replace them in the morning. I have no problem changing earrings depending on what I'm wearing, but I can only sleep with the studs.


Not wearing my watch feels completely awkward. It's one of the first things I put back on after a shower. 


Do I clean them all on a regular basis? Yes. Rings and bracelet at least once a year so the settings can be checked. Soak the studs in a small lid filled with water/Dawn. 

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

Yes, I do if it's my everyday jewelry.  Necklaces are hard to remove and put back on.  Fancy stuff gets taken off.

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

I wear jewelry in my piercings 24/7 but all other jewelry is only worn if I'm leaving the house. 

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

  My wedding rings stay on, unless I am coloring my hair.  Then I have to do that fast, cuz DH insists we are not married if I don't have them on, silly boy!  My watch is only taken off at shower time.  I have had one on since 10yrs old, so I feel REAL NAKED when I'm not wearing it.  If I put a pendant on or earrings in I leave them, unless they are pearls.----------ted

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

I don't sleep with jewelry on as a rule, but I just had my ears pierced (3rd hole) the other day, so I'm currently sleeping with small gold balls.  

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

I sleep with my wedding ring set on but I take all my other jewelry off.  I keep my wedding rings on because a few times I put them away and "lost" them.  Easier to keep them on.

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

Just a watch with a glowy face, all my rings come off for sleep.

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

I have two bracelets I never take off. One is gold and one is steel.  The gold one was so hard to fasten, I am never removing it.  And steel is tough, and doesn't need pampering. All other jewelry I take off at bedtime.

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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

I always wears my wedding band and studs.
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Re: Do you sleep with your jewelry on?

All jewelry comes off as soon as I walk in the door.  I don't wear it at home unless I have company and never wear any jewelry when I go to bed.


During the summer, with all the outdoor activities and the fact that I wear a lot of sunscreen, I just don't bother with jewelry.