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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

I don't wear pajamas for sleeping....they are too hot and confining.  I purposely buy them for lounging in.  Comfort is very important to me.  So even if I'm not going out, I get up, do my hygiene things, lotion up, comb my hair and put on loungewear like pajamas or caftans if I'm not going out. You have to live for yourself, not someone else's idea of how you should dress.


Although my emotional state is not the best right now, I've always liked being comfortable in loungewear at home.

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

Absolutely!  I take a shower and get dressed after my first cup of coffee every morning.  


Pajamas or sweats are for sleeping or when I'm very, verrrry sick.



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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

My morning routine never varies whether I go anywhere or not. Get up, shower, get dressed, put on a little make up & do the hair.  In the last 10 years my elderly parents were always having health emergencies so it seemed like I was always one phone call away from the next crises so I still have that mentality that I need to be ready to walk out the door on a momen'ts notice.  My dad has since passed away and my mom is in assisted living but I still like to be ready to face whatever life sends my way!

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday


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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

I have had emergencies at 7 am so I always shower and wash my hair every single day.  Sometimes I skip the hair but I don't hang out in pjs anymore.  I do wear crappy lounge type of clothing when I'm cleaning, etc. and not going out.  


I do put on my pjs as early as I can though, LOL.  I am exhausted by the end of the day and often get to bed really early.

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

Always!  Wore Cute short gowns after surgery, but still wore like dresses (only at home).  


Honestly, I love comfort but I am sick and tired of the PJ cozy trend. 


I think how you dress affects your mental state!  

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

I do, need to be ready at a moments notice in the event of needed to get to the doctor's in an emergency.  I don't care if no makeup, but I do my hair everyday, and get dressed. 

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

I shower and get dressed every day! I have been working from home since Mid-March, so of course I can wear whatever I want, but I still get up and shower and dress very casually and comfortably though!


I don't feel right not showering and getting dressed unless I am really really sick!

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

Yes, I do even when there or no plans for the day, sick, etc.

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Re: Do You Get Dressed Everyday

I do get dressed everyday as I go for a drive daily even if its just problem is I do not and never liked pants...even before working from home for most is mandate....I worked from home for over 25 years and got used to the attire....for me it gives me comfort wearing my lounge wear....usually Sundays I do nothing but lounge Smiley Happy