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My MIL died in 1999 (and I was always sorry for her that she didn't live till the year 2000 but that's another story). My mother-in-law was your classic New Yorker, in all the best ways. I've mentioned before that my DH is Jewish and I like to describe myself as a garden-variety, see-one-you've-seen-'em-all Protestant. Marrying a Gentile upset her but I give her all the credit in the world--she had one outburst and that was it. She welcomed me into the family with open arms. (the fact that she and my sister-in-law didn't get along very well may have had sosmething to do with it). I would have to say that in the 15 years I knew her, she was kinder and better to me than my own mother had ever been.

OK, on to the next part of this story.

My beloved little Himalayan kitty, Missy (she was such a dainty little lady) died last August and I still miss her and sometimes get a little weepy when I think of her Robot Sad

Because of the teachings of the Bible, I don't have ANYTHING to do with the occult, summoning the dead, etc. But since my MIL died I think I can feel her presence. At Thanksgiving dinner a few years ago, I felt someone tap my on the shoulder; I turned around to chat with the person who tapped me, and there was no one there. And there have been many similar instances of this.

I should add that when DH's brother called to tell us their mother had died, a watch she gave dh stopped running at that very minute, and despite our efforts (and we have friends who are watch makers and they were the first people we talked to) we never could get it going again.

Since Missy died, there have been many instances of what I feel like is a cat walking around my bed. And I'm sure it won't surprise anyone than it feels like she's walking around the bed, trying to find her special spot.

Lately the cat-walking has increased and it's starting to make me a little nervous. I know we're not supposed to fiddle with the occult in any way, shape, or form and I've never tried to actually summon my late mother-in-law or my cat. In a way I like being reminded ot them but not like this.

I sure do miss them, though.

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It might not be that you are dealing with the occult, it could be they are reaching out from heaven. My mother started showing up in my dreams often after my sister died this past March. I realize I am grieving for both of them. Both of them have been in my dreams a lot and Mom died in 2010. Every once in awhile I will think I see something black scoot by the wall and floor and think it is Punkin, my beloved black and white cat who passed in 2000. (Personally, I think our furbabies are also up there in could it be heaven if all my loved ones aren't there?) So it is kind of comforting that perhaps they are with me in spirit. Perhaps that is what is happening with you?

Janet in Georgia
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I celebrate my parents and grandparents by decorating my home year-round with items that remind me of the wonderful times we shared. They taught me to be strong and carry on.

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I am a Roman Catholic, so I understand your reluctance to acknowledge anything occult. But in our faith, we believe in the community of saints, which includes those who have gone before us.

I have had many instances of loved ones reaching out beyond the grave, especially those with whom you had a deep relationship. My late brother reminds me of that constantly. I don't know how that applies to animals, but you had a bond there, too. I wouldn't say it's a haunting, but the energy of love leaves its (paw) prints!

God bless you and your family, especially at this mystical time of year.

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what lovely thoughts...thank you.

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Re: Departed loved ones

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Those who have passed do reach out to us. I was quite ill and alone. My mother who had passed years before came and stayed with me until my husband arrived home from work. He did not know that I was very sick. I was unable to call for help. My mother stroked my hair. The odd thing was her appearance. She looked to be about 30 or 40 years old.

Our bulldog died last summer. She was a huge presence wherever she went and commanded any room she entered including the vet's office. I hear her make her bulldog sound. I can sense her standing behind me. My husband has these same experiences.

They are with us from time to time.

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Let these things bring you comfort & don't worry about @GoneButNotForgotten. I'll share that I smell the cherry pipe tobacco that my late grandfather smoked several times a year...I smile, say I love & miss him & ask that he watches over my family. I don't believe he's a ghost, he was a wonderful part of an awful childhood so the smell brings me comfort...I don't question how I make the tabacco smell happen, I'm just grateful it does.

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I am Christian and I see departed people. I do not see demons or evil beings.

I have been able to see mortal spirits since I was a little girl. I didn't like it much. I still don't. Some are family members, but mostly strangers.

There is no occult involved. God created us and our souls live forever, our spirits never die.

I have also felt my pets jump into my bed at night after they passed. It gave me comfort.

Our loved ones never really leave us. They are just in another better place. We will join them some day.

Don't be scared. Take comfort knowing MIL and kitty are still with you.

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7+ Stunning Christmas Memes to Share Now!

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Re: Departed loved ones

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I have spoke about this before on here, my husband was dying of cancer ,in 2013 , he was such a nice man,but blamed GOD for taking our son Shane when he was 27 ,in 1998, i worried he ,my husband would not get to heaven,for reasons i will not go into,i told him one day would you let me know ,by sending me a sign, he said well ,if i can ,like what ,i said send me a butterfly, well he did on a walk , and others saw it happen, i have felt Cambridge my red golden in bed with me ,it was 1 yr,ago yesterday she died,Sorry about no paragraphs,never learned how.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.