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I woke up this morning to -25 degrees and two hours later it is -22.  This is Chicago and it's surrounding areas.  Over the weekend we will be around 40.  Crazy weather.  How about you?  Stay warm.  Cat Happy

kindness is strength
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I'm in SE Michigan.  We get everything you do only a day later.  Thanks for the warning!  My car thermometer said -7 this morning but I think the wind chill was well into double digits. 

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@Katcat1 wrote:

I woke up this morning to -25 degrees and two hours later it is -22.  This is Chicago and it's surrounding areas.  Over the weekend we will be around 40.  Crazy weather.  How about you?  Stay warm.  Cat Happy

I’d hibernate. Brrrrr.....

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Still minus 8 here, the really bad stuff will hit tonight

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Registered: ‎06-15-2014

Please stay safe all of you. NYC is cold enough. I always worry re homeless.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

We have warming stations here @IMW so people can escape the cold

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[ Edited ]

Southwestern Michigan has beautiful blue skies, bright sunshine and a temp of -10 with a wind chill of -35. My neighbors got all cranky with me this morning because I opened the garage door (it's a shared garage) for 5 minutes to start my car and clear some snow away from the door so that it didn't get in to the garage itself.  I asked if they preferred that I leave the door closed while running the engine, so that the exhaust fumes could seep into their condos and got the "huh???" blank stare. 

~The more someone needs to brag about how wonderful, special, successful, wealthy or important they are, the greater the likelihood that it isn't true. ~

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Our idiot Governor said that closing the schools in this extreme cold is going to make our kids "soft".



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I always ignore people like that @QueenDanceALot. They really sound sadistic

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@Katcat1 wrote:

I woke up this morning to -25 degrees and two hours later it is -22.  This is Chicago and it's surrounding areas.  Over the weekend we will be around 40.  Crazy weather.  How about you?  Stay warm.  Cat Happy

@Katcat1  I'm right there with you! 


Penzey's in Naperville & Home Run Inn Pizza in Bolingbrook  are closed to to extreme temps.